Seems like fun. 27 classes? Holy mess dude. Kinda overkill. But wait how in the world did you fit 22 classes into foundry with only one half of the map blocked and not even containing the classes. The map is good but some classes seem like a lil bit of overkill. Would make a good slayer map. But wait Is this set up for all gametypes?
Wow, the map has very good forging. Great job with the merging. But i dont know about the gameplay. Seems like a lot of classes, did you have this map tested?
I fit the classes into the background by sneaking them into double boxes (open). They are also in the back where you can't see them. Yes I admit some of the classes are kind of unfair, but after all there aren't many. No only Slayer is set up so far. I don't really think objective would work on this, but Oddball / KoTH with short respawns could work. Dunno, may work on this some more. Yes I had the map tested. Unfortunately not a whole bunch of times and with only a few different groups. The groups were of different sizes too. Some people complained about the classes, but... you're always going to have complainers. I did change up the classes a bit after the testings. I might work on this map a little bit to even it out. Maybe play on it and tell me the pros and cons?