Those of you who are unaware, Bryan Simon recently had his youtube account suspended. The real reason is unknown but you can read his theory on his blog. If you're a fan of Bryan's or just respect what he's done for the halo community with his parody songs and original music then I simply ask you to subscribe to his new channel to show your support. I appreciate you taking time to read this and thank you in advance for not flaming. <3
Yes, most companies tend get pissed off when you steal their games and upload videos showing them off. So even if it wasn't necessarily *his* copy, it's still *his* liability.
Honestly, I don't see how anyone in their right mind could feel sympathetic towards him. He posted copyrighted material three times. Each time he was warned and yet he did it anyway. Nothing and no one to blame but himself.
You've confused "done for" with "done to". He writes terrible music, and it turns out that he was also stupid enough to post a video with leaked Halo Reach content. Ponder that for a second. Why would you post a leaked video you knew would get removed? Or: How can someone be that desperate for attention? I guess selling picnic tables doesn't pay the bills like it used to.
He probably felt, that since he's famous in Halo (LOL), he'd just get a slap on the wrist... again. I feel no pity for him, he kinda needs to you know... take a break from videogames... maybe exercise... stuff like that.
Not really a fan of his music tbh, not that I'd wish this one someone just for disliking their material. I do, though, agree with this: I don't think someone being popular in a gaming community warrants overlooking a straight out violation of TOS, plus this from the end of the blog you linked: Didn't speak too highly of him imo. He's directly asking if there's a way for an exception to the rules to be made, for no better reason that because he wants it. Only compounds my view of him as just annoying tbh, a view which came in the first place from his hardcore trolling on the MLG forums, so yeah...
That's no way to beh- oh wow. He really is fat. Also in his latest video he announced that he attested all of his copyright violations. So he obviously learnt absolutely nothing from his idiocy.
I so hate fat bitches who think they're above the law. I've actually never heard of this guy before, but I still don't like him.
I appreciate your opinions, I really do, but most of you have shown your maturity level today. Give it a rest already.
The fat comments were unnecessary and rude, agreed. But everything else said is a legitimate criticism of a guy who seems to think he can get around rules which apply to everyone, just because he has fans. If you were referring to the fat comments alone, then I apologise. I agree that those are below the belt and hardly pertain to the issue at hand.
Rude, yes. Unnecessary? ...Mostly. Okay, maybe my wording was a little horrible. Still, fat guys, amirite? I mean, seriously. It's bad enough that he's asking for a way around the rules in a way that will only benefit him, but the fact that he's also fat drops his OK meter to about half of what it was already.
He does seem to be extremely full of himself and he's honestly only upset because he though he was getting somewhere with subs. Sorry Brian, don't think you are going to be a youtube star anytime soon.