This is my 2nd-to-last jump course. My last one will come out before reach, I just don't know when. I do not have any Pictures ATM, because I wanted everyone to see the jumps done, and most of the spaces are sort-of cramped. (P.S. the editing is kind of amateurish). Youtube Video Map Gametype
Nice job on this one. I personally cannot jump for $hit, so I'll leave it to someone else to comment on how difficult or easy the jumps are. From what I can see in your video and description, it seems like an incredibly well-crafted Jumping map. The Aesthetics are eye-catching and creative, and are actually part of some of the puzzles. The map's own natural geometry and decals are also used in several jumps, which is a refreshing and creative change from other jumping maps that seem to ignore all of Foundry's great potential jump-ups and the natural signs painted on the ground. Again, while I can in no way comment on the jumps themselves, I can still definitely say that anyone who works this hard to make a map beutiful probably also works just as hard to make it play great. It is this knowledge that gives me safety in saying that this is one hell of a Jumping Map. Congrats, iMatt. Cheers, HarisSales.
I did a quick forge through, and this map is intense. The forgings so clean, no ledges for me to cheat with. I say forge through because I can't for the life of me make it over the first wall. Even after watching the video several times. Feel free to make the next one a little less difficult.
u would show me fail at that jump well anyways it was fun trying to play it the jumps were so hard. this is a must download for all the jumpers out there
HA! Hey Chodo <3. I did not show you fail, I showed you telling me to go first, me landing the jump, then... Oh wait you did fail Also, to anyone who might be looking at this thread, I updated the DL Link. I fixed a spot where you could get outside of the map.
Awesome map Matt. I still suck at jumping (D so I'll never be able to complete those. I hate dem pesky Slant Jumps. Anyways your aesthetics are wondrous and the merging is smooth. I really like how that even though most of the jumps are the same, some are implanted differently so they are harder/easier to do. Great map and I one day I will successfully complete this map!