Inception on Lucidity

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Brodellsky, Aug 17, 2010.

  1. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    That's right, I'm making an Inception inspired gametype in Halo:Reach. If you have yet to see the movie and do not want it spoiled for you, please do not read any further. I am posting this Map Preview to show you how I am going to make it work, and to help collaborate on the gametype and map before I even start. I want this to be good. Also, I'm posting it because I hereby declare this gametype as mine. Ok, time to read onto the game description.

    There will be two teams, with the mother gametype being Assault. There will be a series of "levels" (Dream levels, that is) throughout Forge World that the Assaulting team needs to get through. I do not have the level designs made yet, but it will be a gametype where people will be able to make their own maps for it because "it's never good for the people to know the design of the level perfectly.) I may experiment with random map geometry because of this. To get through each level, the Assaulting team will need to make it past the "Projections" to the end of each level. The Assaulting team will only have two lives. When they die, they will respawn in "Limbo". However, the "Projections" team will have unlimited lives, but be slightly weaker. As such, one person will have to stay back and defend each Portal to the next level so the Projections can't get to the people doing the Inception. On the third level, there will be a place to plant the bomb and then if the bomb is planted, the Inception is complete. If they fail to plant the bomb before the "Kick", then they lose.

    I'm working on a way for people in Limbo can be brought back, much like it happened in the actual movie. Please give me your thoughts, ask any questions if I was unclear (which somewhere I'm sure I was), and help me make this game awesome!
    #1 Brodellsky, Aug 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2010
  2. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    I too was thinking of doing an inception based gametype, but wasnt sure how to go about it. Sounds like you've done a great job so far. I do have an idea for how to get people out of limbo. Perhaps once a player is thrown into limbo they can be stuck in an enclosed room. With a bunch of sender nodes. And in various spots throughout the dream levels there can be reciever nodes blocked that the attackers can unblock allowing the other players to come back into the dream. And im assming you'll just be building 3 maps in 3 different locations linked together through teleporters.
  3. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    See the problem with that is I want the Assaulting team to have to physically go into Limbo, undead, to "Kick" them back up to where they were before.
  4. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    If I'm getting this, people who die go into limbo.

    So essentially people who are stuck in Limbo have to be kicked by someone unblocking a telepoter down there?
  5. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Pretty much, yeah. Or they are stuck there until they win or lose.
  6. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I like the idea of being able to save your fellow assaultees from Limbo should they die.

    Make Limbo a single room with a teleporter that when you unblock it it blocks back up almost instantly.

    That would pretty much encourage the assaultee to avoid death becasue him coming back is solely up to his fellow teammate.
  7. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Limbo is gonna be a room on the Shore, cause that's how it is in the movie :)

    Keep in mind though others will DEFINITELY be able to make their own maps for this, kinda like Conquest.
  8. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    While I see what you're getting at, I don't see a lot of people trying to make this.

    No offense lol, I'd concentrate more on making the gametype fit your ideas.

    And there was also that segment of Limbo where it was pitch black and Cobb was talking to Mol.

    The reason why it would be fitting to make the player in constant range of the teleporter is should it be unblocked the player he wouldn't have to be told the teleporter was unblocked but he would simply be 'kicked' out of Limbo rather than choosing to leave. And then Limbo would be instantly blocked again for anyone else who may enter Limbo.

    Again, I'm not sure how you can set the area of effect for a teleporter, but if you do want to go with the shore, then only make the playable area of Limbo as large as the teleporter effect area.

    ...You know I take back what said above (kinda). I see myself attempting something like this now, lol.
    #8 Organite, Aug 17, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2010
  9. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    I'm not gonna get to serious with the details yet, I'm gonna wait for the game to com eout for that. But I just posted this to get my idea out there.
  10. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    yes but you also said you wanted collaborative advice on the finer details of it.

    of course you don't know what we're entirely capable of yet in Forge 2.0, but you have a reasonable grasp on what we do know enough to come up with a decent concept.

    I like the idea and I hope it works out for you.
  11. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    Well, I really like the idea, and I'm some what interested in making a map for your gametype bro.
  12. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Seems interesting... I'd love to help if you'd like.
  13. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    lol, i thought you where going to discuss my sketch-up map with your title =P anyways I like the idea.
  14. turtlebutt

    turtlebutt Forerunner
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    you can adjust the size of teleporters. If you made one really big someone in limbo would always be in it. I think you can turn teleporters invisible as well
  15. Spartanchief34

    Spartanchief34 Forerunner

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    What you would need to do is set one teleporter sender in limbo, set the radius of the teleporter to all of limbo, then in which ever level of the dream you wan't or all of them put a teleporter reciever snd then place a fusion on it(or all of them) set it to instant respawn. You do this the kick will be when someone hits the fusion coil and then the person in limbo is instantly brought though the teleporter and then the teleporter is instantly blocked again. I'm not sure if this will only let one person out though, try adjusting the teleporter reciever nodes hight down so no one can just jump through the teleporter.
  16. lemonzap

    lemonzap Forerunner
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    for the "kick" at each level like you said they would need leave someone behind. when the assaulters want to get back the the guy left behind unblocks the teleporter which blocks up again instantly. and you could also make it capture the flag so the assaulters half to make it there and back.

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