Golden Productions Presents Trinitary Trinitary is my latest map. It is the second version of my map Crystal Genesis (Crystal Genesis was my raw outline/Unfinished version of this map). There will definitly be more updates/versions to this map. Forge Techniqes Interlocking Save/Quit Method Merging with Map Geometry Supported Gametypes Slayer Team Slayer Infection Capture the Flag # of Players 2-12 Main Overview Trinity is sort of a complex. There are about 5 structures around the center part of foundry with 4 bunkers in each corner. 2 of the 4 bunkers contain a ghost. Main Center Structure/Sniper Tower This is located in the center of the map. There is a catwalk that goes around the beta collum with fence walls bordering it. There is a teleportal in the horror house that will take you to the sniping part of it. The first floor has a sniper and 3 window panels to give you a sniping spot, But the first floors sniping might not satisfy you. So what I did was add a second floor to it which has 2 "flipped over" window panels which is what I like to call The Master Snipers Office. I like to call it that because you have a GREAT, EXCELLANT view for sniping. Be wise though because even though you have such an excellant sniping spot there are two downsides to it: 1.You can't get out 2. Because you cant get out, it is Extremely easy for people to just throw grenades and kill you So in other words, You have to be a quick spotting, very accurate sniper (A Master Sniper) To get to it there are 2 grav lifts on each side of the first floor which you must take to a teleportal. You have a 50% chance of getting in it. EDITED: I Just found a way you can get out thanks to a friend. What you do is you just back away from the teleportal then go back in...Its that simple, though you must go to your left. Snakes Ridge This is a long Bending Tunnel with a floor on top. It is about 6 or 7 open double boxes with a sword in the center. On top of it is another floor with several bunkers and battle rifles. At the bottem connected to it is a hallway with the sentinal beamn at the end. Water Land Pipe Line/Pit Of Death This is basically an octogon shaped battlefield which has a pit of death in the center you must walk around to avoid it. At the lhigher left quadrant has a tiny tunnel/bunker with a flamethrower at the end of it. That should be most effective while playing infection. Horror House This is an interlocked house with exceptionally great features. There are several differant walls with some to be able to be shot through/shoot through. In the middle top floor of the house is a destructible bunker with an active camo in it. At the first floor is the teleportal I was talking about to get you the sniper tower. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I have Enchanted you with the greatness of what Halo Forging can do. Please Download,Comment, and Rate. There are the pictures below, I will also be adding more pictures to give you guys a better layout of the map. Also I am asking someone to PLEASE make a video of the map and then post it on youtube or geevee and send it to me in a private message. This will greatly help me and I will make sure to include your credit to this map in this description. Download Here
Looks good. It would be nice if you put the pic descriptions with the pics or just separated the pics by a few lines. Right now it is kind of confusing. Good job on z map tho.
Looks nicely interlocked and pretty clean. I like the pit of death, snake tunnel, and horror house. You should probably allow people to get out of the master sniper tower. Players should never be able to be trapped in a competitive map. I think you should put the reciever node above the tower so that the player falls into it, and then have a sender node leading to somewhere else inside the tower so the sniper can escape. This way the sniper can't just switch back and forth like if there was a two way node.
Overall this map looks very promising. I love the center structure and bridges around it, especially the death pit. My only complaints are of the shiled doors, you should probably take them out because they don't look good and can lead to camping. Also, the header at the top of your post is in yellow, barely readable, you should change the color.
also i dont know if i already mentioned it or not but please if someone has the time to make me a video of this map and post it on you tube then send it to me...that will be very helpful
Finally you actually post a completed map. Ill check it out and get back with ya, hopefully you fixed it up good.
your interlocking looks awesome, but can I suggest that you put a floor on top of the teleporters... low enough that you can still use them
omg r u serious? Everyone wants to turn solid maps like this into infection? I think too many people are infected with some kind of bug or virus, telling them to play infection ad nauseam. Other than that, I like this map for the intended gametype, not for infection. --dc
Seems a tad sloppy, but alright. Not downloading though, I have so much stuff I need to delete before I download anything more.
noticed on the floor under the grav lifts that if u jump undernieth them they suck u up and u get ur head stuck on the floor above didnt know if this was intentinal thought id bring it to ur attention though also i tend to get stuck in the snipe tower how do i get out?
to response to a dumb cat thank you for noticing that lol it seems like today that nobody ever pays attention to anything else but infection maps though they're very fun