Hello Forge Hub I've been working on this for awhile. i put it up on map preview and got some great suggestions used some of them thank you. The map is a fairly small figure 8 layout. There's not much I can say it's a cave plain and simple. I chose to put it here cause aesthetically I think it resembles a cave fairly well. It works best with 3 v 3. I might update it and add some gametypes later but for now im happy with it. Weapon's on map. 4 - BRs at 20 sec 2 clips 2 carbides 20 sec 2 clips dual magnums, dual spikers, and dual plasma rifles 45 sec also plasma pistal 45 sec A brute shot and mauler also both 90 sec 2 clips. Needler every 60 sec and bubble shield and regen every 90 sec. there's also 4 grenades 2 plasma grenades and 90 sec re spawning flame grenades hidden in the map just for fun. Note: the regen is also semi hidden. Ok thanks for reading check it out. CRYPTIC Now for some pictures:
looka really well made. i can see this only as an aesthetics map. but if you wanted some serious 5/5s than i would make a gametype out of this. nice aesthetics
Aaaaaiiiiiiii.... Bumpy floor picture 2! Other than that, the map looks stunning, but very tight and small. I'll have to DL and try it out. As for your post, next time I strongly suggest you do your weapons list as follows: weapon amount respawn time clips if not at start ^that would help readability a LOT.
Very nice, reminds me of a map that was fearured on forge hub a while ago... damit, I cannot remember the name of it.
this looks very nice, but do you think you could post up an outside-view of the cave, just so i could get an idea of how big it is? from the pictures i couldn't really tell
Umm.... if it plays then its either competetive or casual... so wth is this doing in the aesthetics section? Move pl0x!
Thanks for all the comments. I will put an outside pic up soon. the map is not that big but big enough to have a fun game on. I was concentrating on the aesthetics of the map more then gameplay. Again thanks for your comments.
And I thought the cave map fad was over. Good job though, it seems like it fits the criteria for all the others.
This map isnt aesthetic it doesnt matter what you intended it for! Aesthetic maps have no gameplay value yours is a super sexy casual map!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:
I'm not realy sure what you want me to do about yoyo. I thank you for your super sexy comment though. I dont care were it goes how do you get it moved ask a moderator if it really bothers you. I must say I see alot of playable maps in this section as well though. Anyway thanks again.
Reminds me of schism of light, and the hollow. These kind of maps never get old though, I really like the gloomy filter along with the red and blue lights. This could be a competitive map too, too bad you can't double post! Anyways great job man I really dig your map.
wow a cave map that actually looks like a cave me ad my friends are making amap simular to this (not as good though) super astectics and from the looks of the map would make some pretty crazy caputure the flag and infection games downloadn now to have a closer look
Cryptic looks really cool on the Screenshots. I love Aesthetic Forging and i think this Cave is very nice. I will download and give it a Try, maybe its a good 1vs1-Map.
Why have I not seen this map before? I respect anyone who forges in this style. Aesthetically you nailed it. Your floors are smooth and the walls and silling really do put off the cave effect. It's rough to puzzle the pieces together perfectly to hide the copper designes. But overall you did awesome. You have my props, and my dl
Uhhh well its a cave its not supposed to be smooth. Anyway good job bud, I have seen some other maps like this. Its really fun walking around in tunnels like this. Yea there are some bumps, but its a cave so I guess it doesn't really matter.