Alright. I'm pretty sure that once I get some microsoft points for my birthday (four days before reach) I'll get marathon and then I can be eligible for all of the nameplates that have been explained so far.
I don't care at all about these name plates. I'm more interested in the ACTUAL GAME rather than little images which I have no idea about.
God bless my transfer cable <3 All I need now is a Halo 2 serial number :/ All the torrent ones and serial website ones will be gone by now
It was only Halo CE on PC. The Halo 2 name plate icon uses the Xbox version. Marathon - XBLA Halo - PC/Mac Halo 2 - Xbox (360) Halo 3 - Xbox 360 Thats right, the HALO name plate is spread over 3 different platforms and 7 years!