Hello and welcome to my thread, here I will be showing you my first Forge in about a year. I made a couple back in the day but they would have probably been deleted. Decscription- A fun, addictive map by SGC Forger from ForgeHub.com. You spawn in the sights of a player as well as everyone else. You start off with a Sniper and a energy sword. This is basicly who can aim and shoot that fastest. I will be adding V2 soon witch will include. -Spectator box -Bigger -Designs -More uniqee scructures Out Side- Inside- Download-http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/fileshare.aspx?player=rds%20aimbot Please rate what you think it deserves.
Oh dear... This map is... Well... This looks like you put 0 effort into it. This certainly isn't the first map that only uses a very confined space but you could have at least done something MORE with it. Aesthetics maybe? The spawn points are also poorly placed. I can see people getting very frustrated by assassinations the moment they spawn or people camping in a corner.
I have to agree with Shatten, this is just, unexplainable. It's to small, and theres only 7 spawns that I see. And in the first picture it looks like the roof was made out of a sign. It's very sloppy, needs alot of work, and has been done many times before. I hope your second version is much better than this. Maybe you should go take a peek over at Forging 101 ghost merging. Good luck on V2 and wish you the best.
Unfortunately Kneecap & Shatten are completely correct. I would say that when making the V2 of this map, give it some sense. And make it much larger. I mean MUCH larger. Put spawns where they make sense, not in the middle of the box.
You have some spelling mistakes it doesen't mean mmuch but it's better to have your thread cleaner, also with your download link you have linked it wrong. You have to link it to the file not your file share. Like this Map- Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametype - Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Please do this next time you post. Alright now for your map- I would hardly call it a competitive map at all, how you have designed the map will never work, Competitive maps are designed for team games normally and have to be set up with all competitive gametypes your map can't be set up with any. This map can be made under 5 minutes done better, you haven't put much into the map. In my opinion i would scrap this idea and think of something else this will never work. I would really recomend you look at every single thing in this thread it helps alot if you intend on making a competitive map. Most people will always get something wrong when they first post, just make sure you fix your mistakes and you will been fine, just with your map you have not done much on it, just have a look are forgehub and you will see some epic and great maps that will give you ideas where you want to go. Just make sure you don't steal other people's maps because thats against the rules.
You should probably consider putting more effort and creativity into a map like this. About a year ago (back when I was a n00b), I made a map just like this only it was on Standoff. Considering the simplicity of the map's design, I made sure to get everything perfectly aligned, as should you. My next suggestion would be to move this thread to the casual forum. This map is NOT by any means a competitive map. Competitive maps are the kind where you can actually measure your true skill against another's. Not just who can blindly shoot the sniper first.
First, this is not a competitive map. I would recommend you ask a mod to move this to casual maps. Secondly your map could use some inprovements. Make it bigger, it's way too small. Secondly, move the spawn points to the edge of the map against the walls so they won't get assassinated as they spawn. after you fix that, you should post it here to get it tested, but read the announcement to understand how to post it there. Edit: You should also fix your link and make it to the actual map and another to the actual gametype by clicking on the file name and copyinag and pasting that link into your post. Nice, calling him a noob and insulting his map in the same post. You could at least give him some ideas on ways to improve on it.