Credit It was build of the map Octagon; Piggy backed off. Images Info It basically a tornado simulator, for the first 45 sec you have time to fight/ set up; then the lifts come into play and the chaos starts. Objects fly around you are thrown every where and shots are fired. DownloadPlease tell me if you are allowed to piggyback off other maps if not will take down.
I will assume that you borrowed Octagon from someone and added the tornado simulator effect? If so, you have to have permission from the original map creator AND give credit to him for building that part of the map.
Looks fun, I would make a king of the hill gametype for it, with the hill in the middle and people have to try and stay there. Edit:Also if you want more people to download it, you should add more pics, possibly some action pics and beef up your description.
If you wanna make a new game type for it that would be awesome; will get more pics up when i get back on Halo --- I did write at the top the map is piggy backed off the Octagon map