YouTube - Minecraft - Temporary Sissy Shelter Much? My Channel: YouTube - leptir1's Channel Any thoughts or tips on how I could improve videos? Would you like to see a commentary series go on? Anyways, enjoy!
Minecraft is pro. I wouldn't build caves into the ground though, or at least not at first. I'd keep going on the same level with some turns in it, leading into a large open cave. From there you have a great workbench station and it's large enough to defend against any attack, as well as starting to mine into any other direction. But that's just me.
In my video, could you give a specific time where I should turn and go expand, instead of going downwards? I'm still figuring stuff out if you know what I mean.
Not too far in, once you have your entrance, go back a few squares turn, go a few more, turn. And occasionally put in a 3x3 Torch lit room so you know where you are. This isn't necessary per say, but it's great for getting minerals and staying organized. And if you wanted to, you could mine a block just above the level you are on to make a jump up and you could even make a staircase like this so when you are in a huge mountain, you could have a lookout near the top. You KNOW that would be awesome.
Eventually, if you keep going down, you will hit rocks that are indestructible (admint, something like that) that you cannot dig through for whatever reasons. After the intitial surviving part of the game, it becomes kinda like garry's mod, where you can basically do anything. Build a giant house, build a factory for pigs, make a cobblestone producer, whatever.
Lol, I haven't played that game, but it looks awesome and is the entire world's landscape like pokemon?
waywayway, what? A cobblestone producer?? A pig factory?? Explain yourself now sir. I'm having trouble finding iron ores! It fails
Every world is randomly generated, it's cool. You can go to the website and play the old version, but it doesn't have anything to do besides stack blocks on each other. I made a bunch of towers
Spoiler YouTube - Minecraft Cobblestone Factory Its kinda complicated to build at such a low level as you, but its really cool.