I was looking at my halo stats, and I saw that I have 3 kills with cones in matchmaking! Here are my stats (don't laugh): Bungie.net : Halo 3 Career Stats If you look at my tools of destruction, when you scroll down, you'll see that I have 3 cone kills. How about you?
Wierd. You have more kills with a safety cone than kills with a Banshee. Lol. Edit: Cool, my tool of destruction is the BR! Actually, not that hard to believe. Too OP...
Bungie.net : Halo 3 Career Stats I've somehow got 4, which is twice as much as my combined scorpion + wraith turret kills :L Also, 170 mongoose mowdowns
Hornet splatters on avalanche are considered cone kills. I was confused the first time too then I saw a Halo 3 mythbusters on machinima. Might be the reason why you may have so many, or mayby your lucky
Hornet splatters on Avalanche count as cone kills. Which is why I'm 4th in the UK for cone kills (or at least I was, now I'm not sure because I can't tell on Halocharts since the UK filter has stopped working properly).
I got a really nice cone splatter on an invis guy on The Pit recently. I wouldn't have been able to see him even if he wasn't invis, he was on our green box and I got a callout from my friend, looked towards the barrel and happened to time my sniper shot just right. Pretty damn flukey, I'm not gonna lie. But I was guesting on said friend's account so it isn't on my service record, sadly. I'm pretty sure that's the only time I've ever gotten a cone kill on any account tbh, I am not well versed in the ways of the force. I think you'll like this, though. This isn't mine, but watch 1:15 in this guy's montage, trust me. EDIT: MLG embedding still fails... here's a link instead. Wolfseye H3M1 Video - Halo 3 Game - MLG Game Room
Sadface. I have over 2500XP but not a single con kill. I did however get killed 3 times with a cone. Bungie.net : Halo 3 Career Stats