This is my first map preview, let alone map going to be posted to Forge Hub. It is going to be an asymmetrical map on (or in?) one half of Foundry. So far I've completed one side of the map, and working on the other. The middle part is where I have basically nothing and would like some ideas. Here are my pictures, and if they aren't working right, I am probably trying to fix them so please don't lock. This is a picture of the incomplete side. B3NW said don't put random geomerging so I am planning of taking out those random geomerges. The complete side. Closer in look of the complete base. Inside the tunnel. End of tunnel. Tried to make the map urbany(word?). The teleporter at the end will be blocked off later on. This is the "wall" blocking you from getting out. Going to make it bigger if you can break it. Ignore the things in the air. Some of the spawning system. Note the truck and its' two boxes are just for aesthetics. The random block and Sign A will be moved later; saving them.
You have done some very clean merging! It looks awesome. Just wondering, how much budget have you got left? If possible you should make a 2 story structure in the middle with ramps and a couple of entrances.
Thanks . I am using a budget glitched map so my only bounds are the object limit and the amount of items. I will consider putting a 2 story building in. Thanks again!
Well, the other side was supposed to be for the spawning system, as the two "walls are already there so I don't have to use as much budget and items. Also the only other spot I could post spawns were in the open where I put Fence Boxes so you could see ugly random boxes being there for no reason while I could have put nice urban environment.
Merging looks super clean so far. be sure to keep up that quality of merging throughout the entire map. But also be sure to add alot to the middle to prevent it form being too open.
I must be honest, in the first picture.. it looks terrible :/ I'd definately change that as it kinda looks like someones practice canvas for learning how to ghost merge as its just random crap merged into the map geometry... same goes for the hallway.. Other than those two pictures, it looks very clean as mentioned before. It all seems very smooth. I actually quite like the base design, its just the other parts im not so sure on.
Make sure you have a goal in mind when forging a map. All of your objects should work towards that goal. Merges are nice, but design is what makes a map. If you say you want to make a class type map, I would recommend trying for a team slayer type map. So that could be your goal, then you could add the classes in once you're finished. If your serious about forging I would take a look at some already existing maps. Try and figure out what makes them "work" and try to utilize that in your own maps. In addition Insane54 our local admin, has written a wonderful guide to help out newer forgers such as yourself, here is the link Really though, the best lesson is experience, so keep forging and don't consider this map a failure, because you definitely learned what not to do P.S. Your merging is pretty awesome though I have to admit, and that's the first I've seen of the truck idea, which actually looks pretty cool.