So, last year I was browsing the DVDs whilst my friend got some cookies from Morrisons, and I noticed a DVD on the shelf called 'Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus'. The DVD made me laugh because the name sounded so silly, which made me want to watch the trailer to see how bad it was. The trailer didn't disappoint me, it made me wet myself laughing because I thought it looked so stupid. If you want to see the trailer, here it is: YouTube - Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus trailer Anyway, today whilst looking through the DVDs in some shop in York, I noticed 'From those who brought you Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus', I was immediately desperate to see what the next silly film was, turns out, it's 'Mega Piranha'. So when I got home I immediately had to watch the trailer for this film, since the other one made me wet myself laughing, I thought maybe this one would too. To be honest, I can't quite decide which one is funnier, so here's the trailer for Mega Piranha: YouTube - Mega Piranha Trailer (Official) So what is your opinion on these film trailers? Have you seen either of these films? If so, are any of them good? The only thing I have to say is that I think somebody is trolling the film industry. Oh, and to anyone scared incase there is a Mega Shark and Giant Octopus that get unleashed at some point in the future and start fighting, I believe I read a Top Ten list on List Verse which said that the fight would never actually happen because a shark will never attempt to fight anything anywhere near the same size as the shark, and an Octopus would use it's camoflague rather than having a fight with a shark. So don't worry! *EDIT* Turns out there is a sequel coming out in december called Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus.
Mega Shark the Game Although they were both terrible, the one which really made me laugh was the Mega Piranha. A few moments were particularly lol-worthy: "It wasn't terrorists, it was giant piranha!" ; at 0:34 "derp!"; "You are FISH FOOD!!". But the best bit was when he's lying on his back kicking the piranhas XD Spoiler YouTube- Best scene from Mega Piranha
Holy freaking crap. This has to be a joke. I laughed really hard at the piranha one. XD I'm seriously going to go find this movie and watch the whole thing. Edit: HECK YES mega shark vs. crocosaurus is on netflix instant queue right now. Mega piranha is there to, but not for instant queue.
WTF, it looks epic... It wasnt an explosion it was a terrorist, mega phiranna. lol must be good Edit: they have another movie called Titanic 2