Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack (*8* tracks) *updated* new pics WHERE IS THIS STUFF?!?! it looks awesome. can I have a link to download it?
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack (*8* tracks) *updated* new pics I've got them all and.... I LOVE THEM!!!! I haven't played Rats Nest and another, but they are FUN! <3, Tigga.
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack (*8* tracks) *updated* new pics hey these maps are pretty sweet i like the foundry 500 the best personally
thanks i hope to have one on each track but expect quick releases of maps for the New maps (Black out and Avalanche especially)
thanks again, in week or so, when the legendary pack comes out expect almost rapid fire releases of . Ghost town 500, Sidewinder 500, and Lockout 500 , maybe ill start using other terms instead of 500 who knows what could happen.
2 Maps added Rats Nest 500 LC and Isolation 500 LC Both have been revamped to accompany gametypes for lapcounters (LC) so game types like RACETRACKS can be used. Also this time anti-cheating ideas were put into place. especially in isolation a few turns were redone.
heat map for Avalanche 500 posted in a few minutes track will be out within the week. with interlocked/sunken doubleboxes will make the track hopefully a smooth a interesting track with a few jumps/so on.
wow... your drawing for the epitaph route is a mess, I couldn't imagine telling people how to drive on that one...
I dont see why eveyone thinks that the maps so great and most of the race maps you have made are on maps you can not race on. nice one
who says u can't race on em? lol, just not with as many ppl obviously, for example sandtrap allows more mongooses and is much wider.
The funny part is that due to GTAIV theres 2-3 more that are being postponed and a remake of the sandtrap one is done but not posted...I guess ill post its the same except all the walls are more clearly outlined and some areas are less of a pain...For example the holes on one of the structures now has a floating supply case in it and hopefully the explosion will be less devastating if ur the unlucky person to activate it. I think we also revamped another track but ill need to find it...Oh and avalanch has only a few tweeks left until release.(It is a very very wide track)