Map Title: NERV HQ *Update please read!* Welcome to the world of Neon Genesis with NERV HQ. Download Map Description: I have created the NERV HQ the last hope for man kind in the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion. It took me about a week to make and I'm proud of the results. It is a little shorter then hoped but I ran out of materials (not money though used the unlimited money glitch ). The best way to admire it is if you are a fan of the series. The map itself has weapons that are similar to use by either SEELE or NERV in the Evangelion movie. Now to get down to what it has. Lets start with the small stuff shall we. First is the entrance compete with opened and closed doors and the key card slot. [/img] Now too the less featured conference room in the show. I have only seen it in one episode but that was enough to put it in. It has a screen, three rows of seats and one seat for the guy in charge. and here is another view Now we enter "The Cage" which is the storage unit for the Eva's. It is just the corner though since the actual cage would take up the entire map. The inside is cut off from the map since in the show there would either be a large tub of liquid or a several story drop. It's not one of the most impressive parts of the map but I needed something for that corner. Now for one of the better parts of the map. The infamous Unit00 test facility. It has one room for the scientists and another cut off room for Eva Unit00. (Again because there would either be a pool of liquid or a several story drop their.) I didn't take any pictures of the Eva area since it wouldn't be an interesting or useful shot at all. And now for my favorite and the best part of the map, NERV central also referred to as central dogma. It has three levels of seating in the control tower (couldn't make it taller because of foundry's ceiling). And it has the three box like things on the bottom row which I think are the MAGI super computers but I'm not sure. It also features the three floating tac. maps. and here's another of the actual control tower. Still wish they supplied you with more stuff but oh well. Now here are some notes on the map. If there is a human equipment you wish to add or you want to add the sniper rifle or fusion coils you can they are hidden in a box on the entrance wall so you can still get them even with the glitch on. But I am sorry I only kept the stuff that would go with the map so no Plasma rifles or alien stuff except for some equipment. There is also an Easter egg hidden in the map but requires you to do some dissecting and it only makes sense if you've seen the movie. Now don't forget to rate and comment with some ideas to better the map *UPDATE* As I had said in one of my posts that I'm refurbishing the map. I have finish a prototype so to speak and am going to begin a testing phase soon. All that is left to do is to test the map, modify any errors, and then take new screenshots it might take me 1,2, 3 days tops. **Update 2** I'm sorry I made a tiny miscalculation. It may take a little longer than I thought to test the map since well everyone I know plays Call of Duty 4 or the new rainbow six now. So I may need a little help in testing it. If you can, please be of assistance and send me a friend invite my gamertag is Pwner Trainie be sure to tell me that you are from here so I don't get confused. I'll do the testing near the end of this week and send you a message with the exact time. **Update 3** I have completed the new version of the map I'll keep both up on my fileshare. Here is the link to the new one
OMG! I am a loyal fan of Evangelion, but never have I thought of making a NERV HQ set. There are a few problems with location and proportionality, but what the hell, this is just awesome in every dimension. It looks like I'll be showing this to all my anime crazed friends now... hahahahahahahahahahahahlolololololololol
Thanks it took me a couple days to get the interlocking to look good and symmetrical. (Accidently forgot to save.... twice -_-). Thank you everyone for your comments so far they are very much appreciated. -Have a nice day-
welcome to forge hub and the map looks cool but try using some interlooking for the best look and feel to a map
Not wishing to be a contradictor but if you see the last screen shot you will notice that almost all of central dogma was interlocked
i remember when i was like 13 and i thought nge was hott hentai or something D: i was like why do they show this on tv D: it would have been cooler if you had made an actual eva though :3
I thank all of you that have given your comments. I decided to referbish the map a little this week so check back on sunday or what not and tell me if looks any better
Reminds me of a big posh garden in some places, really well made (even though i don't see the point in it not seeing the series you talk of) 6/5