Rigor Mortis is a non-symmetrical map made for one sided objectives and infection based gametypes. Version1: Spoiler The view from the ship What started out as a space dock to the Enterprise (which originally was a oil rig, but someone made that map) became something of an oil rig (again), a large futuristic drilling machine out in the water burrowing down into the Halo for something. Nicknamed the 'Octopuss' for it's 8 massive struts, the huge rig has many stairs leading up to it's upper deck from it's dock. A landing pad allows people to be flown in from the ship nearby as well. Overview: The map from the Octopuss: The Octopuss' lower decks: The Octopuss' upper deck: The Ship: The ship is very much unfinnished, as there isn't much need to really make it sing right now, I'll so that in reach, what matters is it a viable map. UPDATE: Version 2 Spoiler I added a few aesthetic things... and Magashi bunk house on the lower level under the platform. ;D Added a crane and a escape pod (ghost) My nifty version of the crane an overview, see the shallows that will aloow travel between the ship and octopuss? Magashi Bunk house! UPDATE V3: Making it smaller, better more dangerous. A few small changes, a few added features. Also, the new map size: In blue What is not seen because I have no way to make them in Sketchup (and forgive my MSPaint skillz) The Attacker Base is a series of interconnected islands around the rig. Teleporters send you to and from each small island With Anti defender fields around all bases it keeps spawn camping down. Cover is given to the attackers by way of the stuff that supports the rig from the ocean. A few more screenshots: The Octopus full of stuff that makes cover and see the Counter Strike inspired bomb plant? A sub joins the out of bounds area aesthetics. Pricing/materials used: (PRE SUB) No weapons vehicles 100 blocks = 1000 4 braces = 200 2 diagonal = 20 21 bridge = 210 2 sniper nest = 20 24 45% corner= 240 1 landing pad = 10 1 large platform = 10 1 Xlrg platform = 10 35 railing = 1550 12 ramps, bridge = 120 3 rooms = 450 8 staircases = 80 3 struts = 150 3 towers = 450 2 tunnels = 20 10 walkways = 100 19 walls = 190 2 window = 20 _____________ $ 4780 Vehicle Placement: In this I will have falcons and other things used as aesthetic peices now that the map has been reduced in size. A Falcon will sit on the landing pad while a host of them rest on the ship out of bounds. Questions and comments are greatly appreciated, suggestions even more so.
THIS LOOKS INSANE!, If you dont mind could i use the idea of an Oil Rig for a separate map? and this looks very much a challenge so good luck with this!
Couple questions, as always. 1.) Where do the respective sides start? 2.) How does one get from the ship to the rig, and vice-versa? Seems like a long gap for a mancannon.
The Ship will have two falcons and 6 geese to attack the rig with. I suppose a long spartan could 'swim' over to the rig, but your taking an awful big risk like that. The Rig will have a lone falcon sitting on it's air pad and two geese at it's dock. Go for it, it's not like this is the ONLY Oil rig map in exsistance, and I doubt it will the last by a large margin. 1.) Attackers/Zombies are on the ship, defenders and humans spawn on the rig. 2.)Falcons a pair on one side, one on the other. 6 Mongeese spawn in a lower platform inside the ship, you race out the open back and then towards the Octopuss. a path, uncertain what size will allow the geese to pull up into the docks at the bottom of the rig.
If you did not have the ship on the map, I would print off this sketc- We'll have less of that. But yeah, in all seriousness, I love the oil platform or w.e it is, it looks aestheticly sexy. I think it would be more playable if it had a bit more underneath because: 1. It would be more realistic. 2. There isn't enough play area atm. I wish you look on this project. Can't wait to see it!
I have heard of a map just like this and it was an oil rig, but it was in the skybubble of sandbox. Anyway your map is cool and nice, but I mean it just doesn't have anything on the top. Its just blank except for the structures sticking out, maybe add some small buildings or something.
The magashi bunk house is clearly beast Im thinking it should be a shotgun spawns. Cause there is nothing i like more than shotguns and structures.
I only see one problem. Traveling between the two bases would become suicide unless shield doors are placed for protection
yeah, i think the ship needs to be an aesthetic feature because i dont think it will play as well, the actual oil rig should play very well though, it looks great.
You said zombies spawn on the ship right? Then why do they have Mongeese? Zombies can't use vehicles unless something changed that I'm not aware of.
Good concept. The ship alone looks very MLGish, but you lost a lot of the hardcore-ity with the boat. The underwater walkway seems good in concept, yet flawed in delivery, as people can just be shot as they walk through.
...seriously? have you NEVER made your own zombie gametype? Zombies have the EXACT same options as everyone else.