I know that a new Halo 3 map is fairly irrelevant with Reach a mere 17 days away, but the idea was awesome for it and the map plays amazing, so I'm planning on remaking it in Reach. Just needed something good to play that was new and different until then. Anyway, getting back on topic, the map is awesome. It involves a central courtyard with four towers on each corner. The attackers spawn in the middle and have to take the bomb to any of the four towers via grav lifts at the bottom of each tower - pretty hectic for the defenders wondering which tower is being assaulted and having to quickly get to said tower before it's too late. Getting on to what I'm really having trouble with, the bomb points are a bit messed up. I set bomb points on all four towers and set them to all have the exact same traits. They work perfectly (all active at the same time), except for one. I looked at everything- it's identical to the others, it just doesn't work. In the game, you can see it, but there's no arrow specifying it as a target to plant, and when you walk over it the bomb doesn't plant. Anyone have an explanation for this? Can I just not have 4 bomb points at once? On a similar matter, what setting would the bomb's spawn point have to be for a game of 1-bomb? Be tried attackers and defenders but when we started the game, the bomb was non-existent. It would be nice if we could have a bomb to play on the map with. Thanks for any assitance
I cant help with the bomb, but I do like the idea of this map, but I want to know more about the defenders, like, do they spawn inside towers, are there pathways connecting the towers, how big roughly is the map?
Well, since I'm new here I don't know who to trust yet. Nothing against you, I just don't want my map idea stolen. If I don't give out all the details of the layout, then my exact design won't be duplicated without my consent. All I need help with has to do with mechanics. I deleted the base bomb spawn and plant points and created one spawn point for the attackers and 4 for the defenders. Right now, the bomb is non-existent even though there's a spawn point, and the 4th plant point is there but won't let you plant the bomb. Any ideas how I can fix these problems?
I wouldn't be concerned about people on forgehub stealing your map and/or ideas. For the most part, any of us that are moderately experienced in forge don't need to steal. The others are generally terrible at forge, and if yours is half decent, it will be much better than there's. In fact I doubt they would even spend 5-10 minutes before they gave up. TL;DR you can trust forgehubbians. As for the bomb point. All I can recommend is double checking that they are all set up right for the gametype assault in forge. If that doesn't work you could try just deleting them and replacing them. I've never set up a map for one-bomb myself, but I assume if you set a plant point for attackers and a bomb spawn you should be good to go.
Well we tried everything under the sandbox sun we could think of, and we came to the conclusion that Halo's mechanics will only allow 3 active plant points at one time. Any more than that and they're appear on the map, but cannot be used. So we left the others and on the 4th tower we deleted the plant point and added in a special weapon so there's a reason to go to the 4th tower. It works out pretty good now and the only things we really need to work on is some minor gametype issues. Would have been nice if we could have had 4 plant points. Oh well. Maybe in the Reach remake of it.