This Map I Randomly Made While Thinking Of An Idea Of Something To Make Lol It Is Pretty Fun All My Friends Like It. Get At Least 6 People Or More To Play. Rules: There Will Be 1 Infected And All He Needs To Do Is Chase The None Infected And Kill Them. You Can Leave Sandbox And Go All Over The Outer Part Of It. There Will Be a Little Base All The Way Out There With Weapons. When Your Infected It Will Be Pretty Dark Were You Spawn So Just Walk Straight And Then Make A Right When You Hit A Wall And Go Through The Teleporter ( Use Your Plasma Pistil If You Cant See ) Enjoy GamerTag: XxDeadShadowsxX Add Me If You Want To Play Some Custom Games Me And My Friends Play Them Alot! Video: YouTube - Halo 3 Forged Map: Dark Infected Map: : Halo 3 File Details GamePlay: : Halo 3 File Details
This looks like a drive-or-die on Sandbox. Add more structures, less vehicles and remove the effects (at least oldy timey or whatever the name is). The video doesn't help much either. All I can tell is that there are a couple of vehicles and very basic structures. This also probably belongs in casual maps, not competitive.
I agree you should put more structures on it and I think you should have spread the vehicles out more arround the map. As it stand I'm not quite sure why you even posted it unless the base outside the map is note worthy. You should have also add a picture of the base or move the camera during the video, you have even just had it follow someone instead of just sitting there.
._. . . .How About You Two Just Download It And Get Some People And Play It Instead Of Just Watching A Video....? Im Not Changing Anything Every One I Showed This To And Played With On This Map Didn't Want To Stop Playing And Liked It.
we really dont care how many of your friends like it. Your post could use some work and so could the video. They were trying to help. When someone comes on this site to dl a casual map, they're gonna look in the casual section so put it there. Then when they r looking thru the maps in there, they are gonna dl the one that has the most informative and attrative post. They're not gonna dl something they cant see, and thats exactly what u have created in this vid. The map however is your pretty standard drive or die and I dont understand why the zombie has to spawn and walk into a wall and a teleporter. Just spawn him where the tele goes to... dont get mad at everyone again
Umm I Could Care Less About What You Guys Think I Should Do To The Map. The Zombie Would Have To Spawn Away From The Teleporter To Give The None Infected Enough Time To Do Stuff. =/
All we are trying to do is give you some advise on how to improve your map and make it better than it is now because all you have told and shown us is that we spawn in the middle of the map and our objective is to drive away from the zombie. Also TheKingOfCrash7 is right any game that is infection goes in the casual forums it even says in the description for each what gametypes go in their. Some suggestions I have for your map to make it a little more interesting is to have the zombies spawn somewhere outside of the map like on the big hill and maybe have the humans spawn on the other side were its flat so it gives both the zombie and humans a good amount of distance instead of the zombie having to search for a teleporter in the dark. Also a way to improve your post is to maybe add some pictures like showing us the base with the weapons since we don't know what it looks like or were it is. But the one question I have for you is if any of your friends and you had fun while being zombie cause thats what determines if a gametype is good. Because if none of you had fun as zombie then that means the game was unfair and needs some improvement.
Exactly! Great point Rogue! If you are playing a map, and your thinking, "Please dear Lord, I don't want to be the zombie!" Then, well, it just says something. That something is that you've screwed something up bad. Have you ever played Fat Kid? Tell me ONE time you've wanted to be the Zombie. I think this is an improved drive or die at best, and you really do have a good idea, but mayhap you should add some barricades around the map. Just an idea, and this is not flaming!
Infection maps go in the casual sub forum. There you can even choose the Infection prefix. Furthermore, you failed to provide a useful coverage of them map. When you visit a forging website like this, there are A LOT of Excellent maps that get posted and a few perfect maps. When you show a small portion of your map (which doesn't look very neat and tidy anyway) and say that there is a base behind the camera it does not make a very good first impression. Sloppy maps, or uninformative posts have been and always will be slaughtered by better maps and posts. These are just the facts of life. So when somebody makes a suggestion about improving post quality or critiques your map, you should use that as a way to improve your map and forging skills overall. If you want an example of what it takes to be one of the most popular/loved maps on forgehub take a look at the quality of this map post. As you can see your up against some stiff competition. Map quality matters over map post. However, you may have the best map in the world, but if you don't make a good post, it doesn't matter at all. PS: Welcome to the Hub ~ForgeGod117~
eh...I played this map with some of my friends and all I could say was "eh." You gave the map a nice eerie environment and the feel that zombies are stalking you, but that's where it ends. Once you get past the feel of the map, this is really just a dull playing environment. There is no strategy, there is no skill, there is no reason to constantly be on your toes. This is just another map where you drive around getting killing sprees until you are eventually overrun. Don't get me wrong. If you like the feel of a zombie invasion, then this map will hold your interest. But most people want some substance to their games, not just, "Oooh, I killed a dark zombie with a chaingun." If I were you, I would spread out the weapons, remove most if not all of the vehicles, and add some complex structures. If not, then at least take a moment to move this thread to the "Casual Maps" section.