This is not my map... It was made by my friend DeFiLeD Anthrax and it is one of his first puzzle maps so he would like some feedback on it. Description: A puzzle map with some hard challenges and some easy ones (keep in mind this is one of his first puzzles so if its too easy let me know) First Challenge, And Spawn/Hub Second Challenge(Oh no a killball!!!) Third Challenge(Do you see what I see?) Forth Challenge(This wont be the first time you come here) Fifth Challenge(You have to skip) Sixth Challenge(Its so Bright!!! Lets poke it) Final Challenge(Your almost there! You can do it!!) Jesus : Halo 3 File Details The Cross : Halo 3 File Details
lolzor this name is probably against the rules somewhere . Message to everyone that posts below me. Do not say "oh my god im so offended by this name OMGKFHKGRHFJVIRHR" only comment on the actual But if your a moderator or something: "then go right ahead sir" Im gonna just write down my thoughts in sequence as i play this lol cool name lol what the eff "was i supposed to equipment jump?" dammit dedz EFFFFFF son of a "if you run into the killball before throwing your grav lift it doesnt respawn for a while" die grav lift yay i mades it a hole? fusion coil? k lets try hole .......... what the i are traped? needler.... not unlimited ammo!?!?!? oh god <<<<<<<<<<<5 minutes later>>>>>>>>>> screw it k i really dont like puzzles. especially ones were if you mess up theres no way of a redo unless you restart everything. either that or i suck.
. I'm glad someone with such authority is here to tell us what to do. Lol. So what exactly does the name have to do with the map? Nothing to do with jesus. And yeah, it is offensive.
I literally don't get this at all. if its a joke its bad, if its a serious religious game that's worse. I could make a better map in 10 minutes and it would not be so pointless or strange anyone explain this?
Ten minutes? But the guy that made this had 15. <sad face> ...I am ohfindid... <No, this post is not spam>
The puzzle seems interesting but i rather try it first before i can make any accusations. By the way i dont see whats wrong with the name in general if he wants to call it jesus on the cross then let him its not offensive...
Ok i just gotta ask i know he did this in a short time, but did he test this? Like really i played this and right off the back i went for the teleporter, didn't work. It was blocked omg well no duh, so i jumped and what do you know i went threw. I finished this in just over 30 secs, i didnt do any puzzles excpet for un blocking the tele near the oddball and killing my self with the neddler. So please test this and do a re-post of the new and improved version, and ill be more than happy to play it! =D
Alright thank you guys for the feedback... we didn't realize we messed up on the teleporters lol we will fix it and post the improved version soon, Sorry for the disappointment haha