Presents: Achievement Generator - Make your own Xbox 360 achievement! This is awesome. Basically just give your name, how much GS you unlock, and the name of the achievement. Then you can stick it in a sig and stuff.
Yeah, I see the achievment named Grif with 1000g. I'm making the pedo achievment. And I made the OH MEH GAWD achievment. It is awesome... But I wish I could save it. But really is cool.
Neat-o. I've seen static achievement generators before but never an animated one. Presents: Achievement Generator - Make your own Xbox 360 achievement! EDIT: LULZ EDIT2: I looking through random ones and I found a few Halo/Bungie ones: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
That's pretty damn awesome I love it how you can change even the smallest details like how many people have recieved the achievement, the "blip-bloop!" noise, etc.