So I'm into puzzle maps and excited to see what possibilities Reach brings to this sub-genre. Recently I made my first puzzle map, Perpetuation (hooray self-promotion!) and after watching the video of forge-world I got and idea for a new one. Essentially it would work like Perpetuation, except it would be a territories gametype. I noticed in the video that you can put a hill in a warthog and drive it around. My hope is that you could put a territory on a mongoose and drive it too. Being in the radius of this territory would allow you to jump higher and perhaps run faster. The puzzles would be based around this, requiring you to move the mongoose to specific locations so you can perform the tasks required to complete each puzzle. Here is a possible example of one puzzle: The gap is too big to jump on your own, so you must park the mongoose so that you are within the radius of the territory on the mongoose enabling you to jump higher and farther. Now this would be one of the simplest of puzzles in the map, but I'm just using it to give you the idea. I plan on having things become more and more complicated like blocking teleporters, shield door jumping, and pushing objects with the mongoose. Since this is a territories gametype, the goal would be to capture all the territories in the game, with the territory on the mongoose being the first. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself though, I still don't know if you can even put a territory on a mongoose/warthog in Reach. Also I don't know what would happen if the mongoose got destroyed; would the territory respawn with the mongoose, or stay where it was destroyed? A puzzle game like this would require a lot of planning and time and I kind of want to work on this other idea I have for a mini-game before I go to work on this puzzle map so I would like to hear what you think. Thoughts?
Man... That sounds awesome. Why even bother with a mongoose? A warthog does the same thing. Just make everyone invincible seeing as it is a puzzle map anyway. You could implement both ninjaing the spartan AND racetrack style stuff. Additional thought: So basically when you run over a fusion coil, it blows up; and in reach, you can specify if an object is locked to the map or free to move. I think if you go a combination of racing/ninja tricks, you could make parts of a track that when you drive over it, detonates hidden fusion coils to make platforms drop or other hilarious things to happen. I would think an impact on a platform sitting on top of fusion coils would cause it to detonate if the platform was free to move during game-play.
Pretty good idea, tried a few puzzle maps, but usually they were more of a mix between a jumper and a puzzle. Those that were true puzzles though were often ruined because the person letting me do them would always tell me what to do
I'm glad you like the idea, however this would most likely be a 1 player puzzle map, just like my previous one. Though I never did consider applying this concept to a racetrack and that sounds like a cool idea. Of course you're welcome to expand on that idea yourself.
to keep the mongoose from dying set vehicles to indestructable in the gametype settings. your idea sounds pretty cool, and if you do make this into a puzzle map in reach ill make sure to try it out.
Oh I didn't mean a multiplayer racetrack. I mean just utilizing the mechanic I mentioned to make moving a warthog from place to place more interesting. Having a ninja course with a hill on your warthog to boost abilities would be an awesome map. What I meant by racetrack was just having a cool way to move you're warthog to the next location. Have cool tricks like driving onto a platform that then blows up top open a door and then the warthog will warp away only when you exit the vehicle (since you can make vehicle only teleporters). Still keep it one player. Just an idea anyway =P Your idea is VERY creative nonetheless.
Oh my bad, I see the words "Racetrack" and i immediately think of the gametype. Thanks for your input though