The lack of breakable objects in Forge World worries me. What breakable objects are there? Just explosives, are there any more? I really love to use breakable objects in making contraptions and puzzle maps, but it seems Halo: Reach lacks in that department. What happened to the pallets and gravity lifts?
They're almost certainly more memory-intensive than a static object. Thus they were cut from Forge World, where memory is being pushed to its limit. And as much as I respect the creativity of Halo 3's switch/puzzle community, I'll gladly sacrifice that ability for what Forge World opens up to standard mapmaking.
Why don't they just raise the cost of breakable objects to match how much memory they take up? Also, does anyone know how many explosives you can place (and what are the explosives, fusion coils and mines?)?
As much as I loved having breakable objects, the guy above me has said it. We need to sacrifice them in order to keep the game running smoothly in Forge World. The map is probably a mile long and we're allowed to use all the areas at the same time! As far as we know though, they may still be there but in limited supply in the other maps.
Ah, that was one of my favorite things. Making a confined area and filling it with all the explosives, and setting them to instant re-spawn. Hell on earth.
You can forge on maps other than Forge World. I'm sure some of them have more breakable objects you can use.
But the other maps don't have near the selection and freedom of Forge World. It just saddens me that something good from Halo 3 was removed for Reach.
each of the none forge world maps has it's own special, forgabel objects. look at the crates in blackout and those weird, round things woth a digonal cuth through threm in avalanche. there will be plenty more detructable objects in those maps because their smaller. so just forge on them instead. i'm actualy looking forward to seeing how much freedome we get in the maps that aren't forge world. because in forge world we can forge everything, so it will be interesting to see how much they let us forge in the other maps too. and i'll lookforward to seeing some great new map varients come out of tht too.
I heard that pallets are still there. Don't worry about switches ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE WITH PALLETS! Especially with phasing
Are you sure pallets are still there? What section? Really, I would be happy with just pallets as breakable objects.
I think I heard that they said it was just simpler, but it's there somewhere. IDK where. Trust me, they're there