Hey guys, This is my first post so if anything isn't right just tell me. Map Name: Docking Station Map Description: This abandoned station used to be the training grounds for the UNSC Spartans. Map Gametypes: . Slayer . HeadHunter . King Of The Hill . Oddball .Team Slayer . Stockpile NOTE: I HAVEN'T ADDED THAT MANY SPAWNS AND THIS IS JUST A ROUGH COPY SO ANY COMMENTS WILL HELP ALOT. Pictures: This is an overview of the map NOTE: THE TOP OF THE MAP WILL HAVE A DEATH BARRIER! Bottom Deck. NOTE: the little red light on the floor is a Man Cannon Different angle of Docking Station Lower and Upper Deck. Overview of the map. Well this is my first Forgehub Post and if you see an error in the map then please say. thanks.
For a first post and such not bad. You got correct links and such. For the map, it's a little sparse in some areas, A lot of open LOS and that staircase sticks out WAY too far, I's shorten it by using the 45 degree peices insteadd of the walkways, it's asking for anyone comming up to be dead before they make it to the second set of stairs. Perhaps have it come from the side above the landing pad there and wrap around the pillar to help give the look that the pillar is supporting the stairs. It would help give a little cover for people racing up it. I'd also see about putting a set of walkways from the double walled building to the taller one. It has potential. Over all a heck of a lot better than my first Sketchup post, and looks to be interesting. Keep working on it and duilding little feature to make it truly your own.
Looks like a good, solid map design. I have a couple observations/questions: * Is the very top most platform accessible (is this what you mean by the top of the map will have a death barrier?)? If so, it seems it can rain death on half the map. * You should think about adding more entrances to your platforms. From the looks of it, the building with the two pincers on it is the key control point on the map (if my previous point isn't accessible). I don't think two entrances will be enough for this important building. Perhaps add a hole or two in the roof to allow for aerial descent into the building? * It seems if you control the pincer building, you are pretty much invincible. A little more cover for those on the bottom wouldn't hurt. Overall, a good map.
I would add one more level and some cover to map. Map design is solid, but it looks like really fun to play and having fast game play.
Looks like a cool map for quick objective games. The only thing you should look out for is: In the third picture, that doorway on the right-hand-side of the picture, it looks like the doorway is only half the length of that platform. That's a big blind spot, so you should either make the door bigger or eliminate that blind spot because I foresee a lot of camping around that corner.
I was thinking of Oil Rig but that name was already being used by someone else map but I've made some adjustment to it and will be posting it the second its completed in forgeworld.