Oblivion Gate game type.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by holycrapitsme, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. holycrapitsme

    holycrapitsme Ancient
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    After watching all of the new updates with forge world and forge 2.0, I immediately thought of a concept I had thought of when Sandbox came out, but never had enough time to get around to making it.

    Anyways, the concept is based off of Oblivion Gates from the game Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I first mentioned the idea in the Reach Forge Ideas thread, but I need some help with the game type. Having only made 2 even somewhat decent maps in Forge in halo 3, both of which were standard Slayer maps, I have very little experience creating advanced custom game types.

    The Idea is that one player would have to make there way across a plane of oblivion to an enormous tower, in oblivion referred to as the Sigil keep. In the game actual game, the player must make it to the top of the tower past traps and numerous foes to the top of the Sigil keep, and remove the Sigil stone from the said tower, closing the gate, and, in this game type, winning the round. In Elder Scrolls IV the player is armed with either a sword, a bow and arrow, or magic, and enemies are armed similarly. The most conducive to halo would obviously be swords, but beyond that I'm not sure exactly what game type I should use or custom game options that would work effectively to create a fun game type.
  2. GLaDOS

    GLaDOS Forerunner

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    I would have to say do infection with no spawns. Make a 5 person or smaller group of humans with high damage high health with swords and hammers versus a bunch of zombies with lower health and normal damage with swords and hammers. Maybe bows could be sniper rifles and make some equipment for magic. Not sure how to make it so they have to go to sigil keep. Another option is a VIP escort mode were one team has the human effects in a huge vip radius versus the defenders with the zombies traits. Make the VIP escort point at the top of the tower and BAM, you got your, have to go the top mode. I would love to see this made, being a huge fan of Oblivion. Good luck and I hope i helped!
  3. holycrapitsme

    holycrapitsme Ancient
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    Thanks! That helped a lot more than I expected. I had been thinking about a VIP gametype, but i couldnt quite figure out how to get it to work for the "Daedra" team. I didn't know you could set a VIP effect radius. As soon as I open Forge 2.0 this map is at the top of my priority list. I've been waiting to do this for far too long...
  4. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Ah, an Oblivion gate gametype. Being a fan of Oblivion, I know what you're trying to do. For the game type, make it Infection with one spawn, and if they made it an option for Reach's infection, set it to 1 human or all but one are zombies. For the map, make each door use getting onto a mongoose and getting off to get through, and make zombies unable to access vehicles so only the human can get through the door (I saw this done in a Halo 3 map to make zombies have to get in like that, but they had it messed up by accident and humans could get into them and hide. For bow and arrows, grenade launcher? Gotta load it after every shot, like a bow and arrow, and isn't all to easy to use. Swords can be swords. Magic? Hm....... plasma grenades? They'd be cool for magic ;)

    Remember, as it looks like, VIP is gooooooone.
  5. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    Territories may work for this, if you can have a one sided territory atop the tower.
  6. AwfulDarkJedi

    AwfulDarkJedi Forerunner

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    Since it's going to be one person against the rest of the people in the game, you should make the one person deal a tad more damage and receive a tad less. That would also making it more like the original game, Oblivion, and it would make it a bit more fair.
  7. Jay Rockn Weezy

    Jay Rockn Weezy Ancient
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    Hey I would love to help you with the gametype and map, but don't use the mongoose concept because you could easily just put a one way shield door. And for the weapons ehh? I will get back to you on that. This can easily work for a oblivion gametype, i will add you, and help you.

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