Authors: AceOfSpades, Cerberus Beast Map Name: Remony Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Small Player Count: 2-6 Supported Gametypes: Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, Slayer, Team Slayer __________________________________________________ Description: __________________________________ Backstory Remony was a map that was in construction for quite some time. I wanted to do two things with this map. A) Recreate what I thought would be a better-playing, more enjoyable rendition of Ghost Town; and B) Make a one-sided objective map where the attackers had to battle downwards to get to the enemy team's base, and escape back to their own base by following a rising path. The map started as a small grass and stone area to the left of the red base. I was, at that point, quite obviously inspired by Vyctoriouz's Nexon, and I wanted to incorporate a bit of his style with Bungie's style and my style. From there, I created the wooden platforms that red base is composed of and went off recreating Ghost Town in my own vision. About halfway through the construction of Remony, I was put into a state of forger's block; I didn't know where else to build or what else to do. I was stuck. That's when the good man Cerberus Beast began helping me out. Cerberus and I, as you may remember, forged Tetradymite together way back more than a year ago. Granted, both of us have become better forgers and map designers, and we both had a blast building Remony together. This was all way back in March sometime. The reason that Remony has been delayed from being posted for so long was because of it's inclusion in our own, recently completed 2v2 Showdown. Remony was used, along with the Team Slayer gametype, in the first round of the tournament. __________________________________ Bungie's Mind vs. Ours Remony resembles Ghost Town in many ways, but there are a few key differences that I believe help Remony to play better than Ghost Town. One of the most significant problems with Ghost Town is the size of the central room. It is very small and rather awkward in its design. In Remony, Cerberus and I redesigned the central room, changing the awkward ramp from the floor below and expanding the room. Bottom mid is now more defined as a space, rather than the cramped underside of a ramp. Another substantial problem with Ghost Town was the underused "pipe" side of the map. The geometry of the area is rather cluttered and even with the location of the Rocket Launcher being so close, not many people stray over there. In Remony, the pipes have been abolished and the Overshield area has been completely redesigned. __________________________________ Description Remony is a rather small map when compared to a lot of others today, part of the reason being that Remony is in budget. However, even with its relatively small size, it is as complex as budget allows. Remony still maintains the basic Ghost Town design, with the defender's base (red) in the corner by the shotgun and the attacker's base (blue) in the opposite corner. The defender's base is a reimagination of the main base in Ghost Town, while the attacker's base is a recreation of the greenhouse from Ghost Town. The central room is in the same general location, with pathways resembling large, grassy hallways encompassing it. __________________________________ Tools of Destruction The weapon layout on Remony is very similar to Ghost Town, with some of the power weapons such as the Sniper Rifle, the Shotgun, the Power Drain, and the Overshield still in the same general area. Two major changes were made in regards to the weapon layout. The Rocket Launcher has been moved into the central room to help promote more traffic towards it, and the Active Camo has been removed. For a full weapon list, click the spoiler below. If you've read everything, put a winking smiley after your post. Spoiler Battle Rifle x6 Shotgun x1 Sniper Rifle x1 Spiker x1 Plasma Rifle x1 Needler x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Carbine x2 Frag Grenades x4 Plasma Grenades x6 Power Drain x1 Overshield x1 __________________________________ Map Images (descriptions below image) Shotgun Courtyard Looking up the Defender's side Overview of the Defender's side Catwalk and entrance to Overshield Atrium Overshield Spawn Side Path Center Room Back of Attacker's Base Front of Attacker's Area __________________________________ Download Remony
Dude this looks amazing. The scenery, which by the way is very original, is beautiful and the merging is flawless from what I can see. You took ghost town, threw it to the ground, stomped on it and then gave it a total revamp that plays much better than the original. Can't wait to see it. ;-)
Obviously this is better then Ghost Town. Everything looks so clean and good. I think it needs a tunnel (pipe) like ghost town had. Gameplay is even better then the map looks. Downloaded it and played a quick game, had so much fun. Nice map! 9/10
Wow this is a pretty good rendition of Ghost Town from what I can see in the pictures. Because of the obvious time spent into making this map, I will make sure to DL this map and get back to you on how it plays! (btw, what is it now with everyone asking us to put smiley faces at the ends of our posts if we read all the text?) Ok so I just played the map with a bunch of friends and I can say that this map was a lot of fun. It was enjoyable playing on a completely new map that you have never played on before, yet you still know the layout as if you have played the map a hundred times before. This was a new and different take on Ghost Town, and a map like this definately uses the risk/reward factor, and you definately pulled off a lot closer to the reward side. I did find one very easy way to break the map using grenade hopping, but the way the map is so close to the sky barrier prevents anyone from having any type of advantage, and it is actually more of a disadvantage. The only time the break would be helpfull would have been if the oddball variant was supported, but it isn't, so this map I consider unbreakable. For everyone reading my post right now, Ace and Cerberus have done a fantastic job in improving what is and what was ghost town, and anyone who enjoys layed back, yet competitive, fun with friends is in for a nice treat when they download this map. Maybe in the future or in reach you guys can do this on other maps that have a lot of problems (*cough* *cough* ISOLATION *cough* *cough* ).
Dang you just gave Ghost Town some style. Although the Rocket Launcher seems like it could be in a more open spot, so then you take a big risk for a big reward. I'll DL. Great job.
from what I can see this looks to be a good rendition of ghost town, and your interlocking is very clean. Could you add an overhead picture of your map, because from the pictures that you have don't give a very good picture of how your map flows from one section from the next. ;D
beautiful map, and great idea. You definitely nailed the key points that ghost town needed to improve on, and outdid any expectations anyone could've had. nice job. def feature worthy.
this map is legit. I downloaded and had a lotta fun on it with a couple friends. Its nice to play on a new map, yet have the feeling like you know your way around pretty well. The post could use an overview shot, but if you're unsure to dl or not cuz u cant tell the layout of the map, take my word its good. 9/10
First of all, "Its nice to play on a new map, yet have the feeling like you know your way around pretty well", I thought I just said that? Lol, I guess great minds think alike! And second, he doesn't have an overview shot because the map is made at the very top of the skybuble, so there is a barrier that prevents map breaking, as well as preventing overview shots .
Well its a beauty. I honestly though, dont think that Ghost Town sucks really. I do indeed still like what I see here. Its good to know that quality forgers are still making and finishing quality maps so soon to the death of Halo 3. I have like 3 maps in progress but I just stopped working on them due to Reach. Anyway, This lookls great and I know you two will succeed in Reach.
Thanks man! Thanks for taking the time to read the entire wall of text. The tunnel is one of the worst parts gameplay-wise of Ghost Town. It was taken out of this for that reason. Thanks man and thanks for reading the entire thing. I've never thought of redesigning Isolation, but I'll take that into consideration for Reach. Isolation is a map with a lot of potential, but the design wasn't executed very well and the texture of the map was a horror for trying to throw decent grenades. Thanks man! As RittSea said, the map's at the top of the skybubble, so it's pretty hard to get an overview shot. I tried figuring out pan cam, but to no avail. The layout is pretty much the same as Ghost Town, so it shouldn't be hard to picture it. Thanks for reading the whole wall of text! Thanks man! See above about the overview shot, but thanks! It's not the Ghost Town sucks, it's just that there were a few places that needed improving. Thanks Zombie!