NOTE: I dont know if this belongs in off topic or not, but if its in the wrong place please move it. Anyway, I got bored and made this is, which is a trivial poll, and I wanted to know what the community thinks about which vehicle is faster...(The that will win in a race) Personally I know which is, but most of you probably dont, so I hope this is informational aswell...I'll post the answers after we get some answers in. Dont forget to post which you think is faster!
everyone knows Wraiths are fastest ...... at melting people .... sorry I couldn't quite figure out if this was a serious poll or not.
Yea, thats what I was thinking about, whether people would take it seriously or not, but it is serious...sorta, and sorta not...
The Mongoose is the smallest vehicle, and the lighter the faster. I say Mongoose is fastest. Mongoose got me through the last level's hog race fast.
I actually think the Warthog might be faster than the Mongoose. My friend would drive in the Mongoose and I would drive the Warthog on the last level. I always seemed to pull aahead slightly on the straight parts.
I thought this all seemed kinda obvious (though I could be wrong) except for the ghost/banshee. I voted ghost.
Mongeese are faster than Warthogs. I used to think they were equal but I've been shown the difference since. I think the ghost might be faster than the banshee [Call me crazy, but whatever]. Instinct, I guess. And I think the Scorpion is faster than the Wraith, contrary to popular belief. Although wraiths can boost, its barely for a second, and they move slower than a spartan walking, while scorpions roll around faster than spartans.
If you know how to race, mongoose. Yeah even over banshee. Note I'm talking about a race, where you have to stay in boundaries
We shalleth have a race! Whenever I get a new Halo 3 disc... Does the Banshee and Ghost have the turbo thing on?