September 13. What will you do?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Plasma Rifle Elite, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    I srsly dun care about my last Halo minutes.

    I'm bored ****less out of that game.
  2. Tennach

    Tennach Forerunner

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    i'm spend sept13th as any other. and sept14th for that matter too. infact i will continue to play Halo 3 until sept16th or 17th. *Sigh* stupid slow delivery servise, (i accidently forgot to click next day delivery when i pre-ordered so i have to wait a few days, which really bugs me. but at least i will be able to watch the rapid decline of Halo 3 players in matchmaking first hand, something that none of you shall witness... because you'll all be to busy an Halo Reach. damit!!)

    well anyway. i'm hoping to complete campaign on Halo3 on legendary for the first time (while also finding all the skulls and terminals for a final achievement hunters thing before i get reach. ^^
  3. blassin

    blassin Ancient
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    1. Get drunk at friends party
    2. Realize its almost midnight
    3. Drive to gamestop
    4. Crash car into tree
    5. Die
    6. Be sad that Reach isn't compatible with afterlife
    7. Be pissed for eternity
    8. Cry self to sleep
    9. Repeat steps 6-9
  4. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    1) Wake up.
    2) Get a friend over.
    3) Play xbox live on MW2 with 2 xboxes and 2 TV's beside each other.
    4) (Around 11:45pm) Drive to EB games and stand at the door headbanging hardcore to how much is that doggy in the window (or whatever it's called).
    5) Get Halo: Reach drive home and play matchmaking.
    6) Telling everyone I see with a flaming helmet "Being rich.... It's not ok, but it is ok to ask for help"
    7) Walk to night and day at like 2-5 in the morning and by a **** load of food/drinks.
    8) Walk home.
    9) Halo: Reach.
  5. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
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    Epic quote time :

    No, jk. I will be going to sleep at around 6pm to wake up early enough to stab the mailman, and take all of his Halo : Reach copies! MUHAHAHAHAHA

    ^Part of my evil plan to take over the world!!!! MUHAHAHAHA. No, problably just go eat breakfast, and wait... >.>
  6. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    Probably school. Then I'll wait for the 14th. Then I'll go to school again and pick up my limited edition on the way home.
  7. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    Depending if im still going on my camping trip or not ill prob be fishing catching some big ones, if i don't go camping i have school on that week aswell.
  8. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    I will probably being doing calculus homework. *facepalm.

    I might pop in halo but I don't really care that much.
  9. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    Id play some of my final games of H3
    Delete all my unfinished maps.
    And almost kill myself waiting for my preordered halo Reach to come.
  10. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    I will hopefully be staying up until midnight then going to gamestop to get my Reach. I can only go if my grades are good so hopefully I won't mess up in a week.
  11. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I will go to work.
    Since that's my early day at work I'll probably go home first or to my gf's.
    Depending on the location I will either be playing guitar hero or doing... gf/bf stuff.
    Then I will go to the game store that is about equidistant from either of the two locations.
    Chill til 11:45 or so.
    Get my Reach at midnight.
    Hopefully win a new console in a raffle.
    From the 14th on is pure Reach until I have to go to work.
  12. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    Just found out that I have off school the 14th due to state elections. So looks like I'll be going to midnight release! Anyway I'll be going to school get home around 2:30 do homework for a few hours, that way I don't have to do any on the 14th. Eat some food, go for a run, by a few boxes of monster, eat dinner. Then I'll head over to the local gamestop and pwn noobs in a halo reach mini-tournament. Stand in line till midnight and once I get my halo reach legendary edition drive home as fast as possible (obeying the speed limit of course) and play until my eyes bleed.
  13. RageQuit

    RageQuit Ancient

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    go to gamestop and trade in MW2 :)
  14. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    • Go to school
    • Come home
    • Put copies of Halo 3 and ODST up for sale on Ebay.
  15. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    I haz school man! So I'll be doing w/e because no way in hell I'm going to be able to go to the midnight launch. I'll just have to start the campaign a day after some people have already beaten it >_<
  16. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    wake up. skool. Come home. Watch TV. Prolly not do any homework. Go bed. Wake up, and I'll think to myself, what a wonderful world ohEmgee Itz ReachDay
  17. JIX

    JIX Forerunner
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    I'll go to school.
    I'll try to spark a conversation with my ex girlfriend
    I'll get a chance to talk to her for five seconds before she has to go to her next class
    I'll sulk and be upset that I haven't asked her to homecoming yet (Even though I already know she wants me too)
    I'll Laugh at my fat Spanish teacher who doesn't realize she's fat so she wears clothes that don't fit her
    I'll get home and sit on the computer for a little while
    I'll eat some food
    I'll work out
    I'll text people
    I'll be like "Holy crap Halo: Reach is tomorrow!"
    I'll eat more food
    I'll sleep

    The real fun doesn't even start when I get reach the next day. The fun starts whenever the weekend after get's here and I go stay at my friend's house where we will play reach on his huge ass freaking TV all night and eat and drink like kings.
  18. Jay Rockn Weezy

    Jay Rockn Weezy Ancient
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    1. Wake up
    2. Go to school
    3. Listen to a bunch of people talk about Reach
    4. Go to my classes
    5. Listen to more people talk about Reach
    6. Go home
    7. Eat
    8. Homework
    9. Eat
    10. Play halo 3 one last time
    11. Go to midnight launch
  19. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    I'm moving into my new house at uni the weekend before so probably recovering from the house warming, might pop to town to buy reach if I'm alive.
  20. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    Well, I'll wake up around 8 and start to get ready for school. Go to call (I have world at 12 - 17, oral communication form 18 to 21) get home and go to bed, wake up at 4 and leave for class at 6:30, get out at 11:30 and head home, pick up reach on my way back and start the campaign.

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