Castle Defense

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Eric Cartman, Aug 24, 2010.

  1. Eric Cartman

    Eric Cartman Forerunner

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    Castle Defense
    Description Of Map - Do You Think You Have What It Takes To Take On These Zombies In Castle Defense? If You Do Then This The Map Perfect For You! The Spread Started 3 Months Ago The Time Is During A Medieval Carnival In The Year 2341 Only Some Have Made It Alive For 3 Months Others Gone!

    The Castle Has A Moat Around It Which Is Not A Good Camping Spot
    The Top Level Has 2 Warthogs And A Mongoose, Also Has Turrets
    The First Level Has A Weapon Table And Flare
    The Basement Has A Active Camo And Barricade To Hide Behind
    Zombie Area Is Where The Zombies Spawn, In The Top Left Corner The Tube Thing Is Where Alpha Zombie Spawns
    Hidden Banshee And Custom Power That Lasts For 30 Seconds
    Hidden Rocket Is Easy To Get To From The Top Level

    Download Map Variant

    Download Game Variant
    #1 Eric Cartman, Aug 24, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
  2. Spartanchief34

    Spartanchief34 Forerunner

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    You need a description for your map, read the rules. Nice map though I don't think that it is an original idea
  3. Eric Cartman

    Eric Cartman Forerunner

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    Oh Thanks For Telling I Must Have Accidentally Skipped That One
  4. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Welcome to Forgehub, we got free cookies! This map is not messy but it would be very good to ghost merge in LOTS of places. I suggest you look at forging 101. I love how the castle looks from the overview, but I don't like were you can fall off the bridge and basically get trapped.
  5. Eric Cartman

    Eric Cartman Forerunner

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    Im Not That Good At Ghost Merging I've Tried It Alot But Just Epic Failed
  6. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Not exactly the most original idea. But overall is looks clean, the warthogs are a little unnecessary and possibly over powered. But the map looks good, good job. Although the village isnt the greatest.

    P.S. Welcome to Forgehub! Also if you aren't good at ghost merging I highly recommend plugging in a guest to make sure its accurate before you place the object.
    #6 Dulden, Aug 24, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
  7. Fusionguy

    Fusionguy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey! Welcome to forgehub! As you've probably seen from all the other 'welcome to forgehub' posts you shouldn't figured out were a pretty friendly community on the whole. I hope you enjoy your stay here and your forge skills increase. I feel an urge to quote jun: 'You chose one he'll of a day to join up...' Forge 2.0 is right around the corner! I hope you stay with us for that!

    Anyways... onto the map. I'ma be honest, k?
    It isn't the most original map ever, although for a first map it is very well made (better than my first map >.<). I would advise though to make more entrances to the rooms, maybe more than necessary, but keep it fair. Oh, and if your having troubles with any forge techniques I find it always helps to print off a piece of paper with a tutorial on it, keep it with you while you play, soon it becomes second nature.

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