Really liking this map. Looks like it has a Goldeneye-esque thing going on (or not but it definitely reminds me of the cradle level) just looks like too much dance floor, imo. But who knows? maybe it will be balanced and fun
Wow, the new version looks fantastic. I can't wait to see this come together once Reach is released. You really took everyone's feedback and made this map so much better. It's great.
I have to say version 3 looks, idk, like 27 1/2 times better than version 1. And if you're looking for some help during testing, I'd definitely be willing to help. This map looks awesome!
That looks freakin sweet. The dish part could use some cover though, I think basic, flat, Gears of War esq cover would work well gameplay wise, if you could make it work in terms of aesthetics.
VERSION 5 (4 was a crappy rendition of it and discarded but not forgotten. Parts of it may return) is up on the inital post. Adding cover on the dish and adding a shade turret to the center. Any comments and suggestions of V5 let me know. I do no mind making version 15 by the time Reach comes out to get this map the best it can be. This went from being number 47 to one in about a weeks time, I think positive response and suggestions help me make this a favorite of mine. Thanks, hopefully either Version 3 or 5 will be the final product. With a 1000 limit on maps I am good to make both versions. can't wait to make it either. Well you and I both went through the redesign so let's see what V5 does for people. Even though the map is mine I am not the only one going to be playing on it, I kinda hope it gets really popular. For that to happen I need to make sure I make it fun for a lot of people. this will be the first I will use the play testers and such for, I need imput on it so this works well. A goose will go in, wether or not it's needed I don't know. And I'm not certain where, but maybe a gametype where you race around the dish to get the flag back or something I do not know. Yes, well, Version 1 was a is it worth doing, Version 3 was a spit and polish, and Version 5 is a heavy weapons version of 3. As for play testing I'll be posting that either here or in the correct forum section at that time, look for it around the 15-16th. Er... I don't know Gears of War, but instead of flat walls just randomly sticking up I added a few (I am not compromising the aspect I love that you can glide around the dish by adding too many) antennas around the whole platform. --- Hrm, guess V5 is no good.
Reminders for hibiki: Generator tower replacing the shade turret. With more interior structures on the first and second levels.
Thanks and thanks. Version 6 is now uploaded on the first post. Any suggestions comments help me add more interesting things to this map so please keep them comming! Thanks again to all who have commented already!
Sorry about the necro post but The Dish is now finnished and I'm looking for play testers to see how it runs. Anyone interested please post here, I'm looking to try play testing this either tonight about 7pm US central time or monday about the same time frame. If anyone is interested in trying it out before the objectives are fixed up are more than welcome, so long as I get some C&C. The Dish Beta
Thanks to everyone who helped me with this Map, A finnished completed and full gametype (minus the obvious my map is too small for invasion) capable The Dish is going up. Thanks to everyone here at Forge Hub to help putting together the best I could. Finnished pictures are shown in the main post.