TrashCompactor The Tube Are Also Called The Hallway Of Death Is Where The Non-Infected Spawn Part Of Zombie Spawn Has Alot Of Stuff To Knock Down Another Part Of The Zombie Spawn Download Map Variant Download Game Variant
One question. Did you even ask the creator to remake Trash Compactor? I dont think your allowed to "steal" others map. Anyway I would prefer the Foundry version instead of this one. Its got more rooms and items. You actually have to have permission to take others maps and remake them and calling the the same name. So this ISN'T your idea.
Yeah, you should have researched the original guy. Also I enjoy the Foundry version much more because theres a lot more items. Edit: Wait, did you even make this map or is this the guys who made the original Foundry version?
I can give you props for making a map. Although it is NOT a original idea. And as for asking the 'creator' to approve this... There is no copyright for making a gametype and you DO NOT have to ask someone to use their idea. He made it public so all people could use it. You made the map, and that's good enough.
I agree, public things are public. It is just cooler to ask. I have to ask: Why did you make this, and why on sandbox? It appears properly constructed, but foundry offers many more movable objects, and therefore the original will always be better. I looks like you kind of dumbed down the original idea. Is it for smaller parties or something? For remakes in general, try to make them bigger, grander, or better, etc. I wish you would try to think up a new idea, and then maybe someday someone will remake your idea and I will go on and comment...
I am not going to bother saying what everyone else has said. Also I think tetris on theme A is much better because you can't hide behind blocks and if you make it to the top you can actually get points.
I can admit when I first saw the name of the map I got kind of excited but when I clicked on it, I was displease to see it was a rip off and a worse rip off at that. The original trash compactor was extraordinarily fun, I'm not saying your's isn't fun, but the origonal had a ton more items (including the almighty semi), it was bigger, better made, and bosted two levels trash to compact. Your remake has only one floor with a lot less items, and its made on sandbox so its made out of stone, liker that make more sense. The foundry location was the right size, and had better object to build a giant trash compactor out of, unlike sandbox's "stones" this map was a very poor excuse for a remake. Also don't put things in the corner of the map and next time don't post something like this on forgehub.
I agree that Tetris is better and less cheatproof than trash compactor, however they're still different. Same idea, different excectution. As opposed to saying "Foundry is better for this" like everyone else has, I'm going to bring something up about the forging. The objects are nicely laid out in an organized manner, but the neck of the tube where the objects go seems a little messy. For example, look at the last picture. That gap could easily be fixed.
Yeah, come back when you know what you are talking about. No he doesn't have to. No a mod shouldn't. As CG said, you cannot copyright a map. Yes it would have been much more sensible to pick a better name, other than copying the original maps name. To stay OT: I don't think anyone will download this I'm afraid, but it's only for one reason. That reason is you have not fixed the problem with trash compactor. Trash would get stuck inside the tube and humans would just camp, eventually making the gameplay annoyingly boring. I think a fix for this could be having the tube open ended and playing it outside the skybubble next to the towers where certain objects wont float unlike the skybubble where certain objects would not penetrate the skybubble grid, allowing for players to camp on those objects. Keep up the good work and ignore the noobs