I've recently started getting back into comics (I was an intermittent reader as a kid), and even better my friend just gave me access to his Marvel Digital Comics account (which is awesome by the way). Anywho, what are some of your favorite comics, characters and creators? Doesn't matter which brand. I personally LOVE Mike Mignola's art style. His earlier work is tamer (in terms of breaking art convention), but when he hits his stride in Hellboy it's amazing. Spoiler
I haven't read any comics/graphic novels/mangas in a while actually, but when I read comics it was mainly Sonic the Hedgehog stuff and some of my dad's old Captain America books. In terms of manga and graphic novels, I've read all of the Dragonball/Z/GT stuff there is to read as well as some of the Bleach series, and a little bit of One Piece. I never was big on reading back when I was younger. I didn't mind it, I just never really thoroughly enjoyed it. I need some good reading though so if you got any suggestions I'd love to hear them.
The only manga I got into was Full Metal Alchemist, but that was because I loved the anime. As for comics. Preacher by Garth Ennis is amazing and really accessible. A Texan preacher gets the power of God, can make any living thing do as he wants with a whisper, and he travels the country with his girlfriend and vampire buddy trying to find out where God is. All the while they're pursued by hillbillies, a secret organization and the government and various monsters and mythical beings. Really fun read. Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughan is about a guy and his monkey who are the only males left on earth after some unexplained disaster kills everyone carrying a Y chromosome. Very similar in tone to Preacher, and everyone is out to get Yorrick, the main character. Sandman by Neil Gaiman. I've only read 25 issues of the 75 issue run and it's easily my favorite one. The stories are amazing and deal with mythological, philosophical and religious themes to an extent that one would think boring if presented in any other medium or by anyone other than Gaiman. It's amazing, not as accessible (at first) as the other two comics mentioned, but it's awesome. And if you have a thorough understanding of literature, mythology or even just the DC universe it makes it all the more enjoyable (though not at all necessary). Immortal Iron Fist by various. I JUST finished this today, it centers around the titular legacy character as he battles various mythical foes in equally mythical (and sometimes modern) locales. The main run is also interspersed with the stories of his father and possible-grandfather as they deal with their troubles with the Iron Fist mantle, the former feeling like a quest-epic and the latter a pulpy re-imagining of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Furthermore, there stories of previous Iron Fists across thousands of years, each with their own fighting style and personality. Very accessible and fun to read.
picked the civil war compilation book. great read, but misses some of the finer details from the comics that were involved in the story. marvel artwork (mainstream marvel comics) i think is the best, but the characters and writing is somewhat iffy and drab. i think i'll try sketching my own hero in the marvel style
Full Metal Alchemist used to be one of my favorite animes. I used to watch it on Adult Swim whenever I got the chance. And thanks for the suggestions. Preacher and Sandman both sound really interesting, and I'll definitely give the other two a try at least.
Well, I got into manga and manwha (korean manga) because I started watching bleach on Adult Swim, graduated to youtube, then to subtitled bleach after I ran out of dubbed eps. After I caught up to the weekly release date for the anime in japan, I started reading the manga. To bad there isn't a next step up except the weekly release. I really like the drawing style of bleach, It's unique inside the manga style, and while it has a fairly typical story layout, it's a damn good read. Example of artwork showing growth of main character through out the series (right to left) taken from last weeks chapter.
Currently working my way through some Green Lantern Graphic Novels; more recent stories with Hal Jordan. Rebirth, No Fear, Revenge of the Green Lanterns, Hal Jordan: Wanted and Blackest Night. The guy at the comic store convinced me to get Preacher last week, haven't read it yet but I've heard nothing but good things. Just ordered Superman: Emperor Joker from ebay. The Joker gets a hold of reality bending powers and uses it to kill Batman over and over again, among other things. Can't wait to read it.
Green Lantern isn't fringe at all, the GL universe is at the core of DC's main continuity right now. I've only read the Blackest Night stuff since it tied in with Batman, but it's pretty awesome, and I hear Rebirth is great. It's very daunting to get into main mythos, so the main thing you want to do is what Linu is doing, stick with one character and slowly branch out.
There is a lot to Green Lantern, I'm pretty much sticking to Hal Jordan. It's quite great thus far. The graphic novels I listed involve a lot of the Justice League. There is some assumed knowledge involved but it's easy to pick up on what you may not know. If you're a fan of DC and pretty well versed with the main characters, I'd recommend getting into Green Lantern.
Have you watched any of the recent DC Animated Movies? They've done something like eight or nine of them now for the past few years. They're actually quite awesome, most of them are just adapted from graphic novels. The latest one was Batman: Under the Red Hood, which is a mix of the stories Batman: Death in the Family and Batman Under the Red Hood adapted into an 80 minute film. The next one is Superman Batman: Apocalypse which is just an adaption of Jeph Loeb's Superman Batman: Supergirl. The DC Animated line-up has been fantastic thus far and it's getting better and better. Definitely worth watching
umm, i think i saw a few feature length episodes, with some dream dude guy who gets defeated by batman. that was one of the most memorable.
CHRONICLES OF WORMWOOD Hilariously gripping. Basically, the guy in the front is Danny Wormwood, the Anti-christ. The guy to his left is Jesus Christ and the large goat-figure to his right is The Devil. Pretty much the story is, God and Satan attempt to convince Danny to begin Armageddon but he wishes to leave humanity to their devices. The Anti-Christ and Jesus are friends and they have a sentient bunny that can talk. MUST READ. MUST READ. MUST READ. So many awesome concepts, so many hilarious moments.
I'm not much of a comic goer at all. I read Watchmen last year, and a few Superman comics when i was younger but that's about it. Sarge has recommended quite a few of these to me, i definitely plan on buying Preacher and Sandman. I'd like to get my hands on The Walking Dead as well. but right now(prepare to potentially facepalm): I don't think ive ever laughed out loud this much at any book, ever. I saw the movie, and i've been fanboying it up ever since. That included ordering and reading through every book. Although im still waiting for volume 6 in the mail. After volume 5, you feel like you actually know every minor and main character realistically, even though crazy stylized fantasy **** is happening everywhere. The characters that should merely be easy punchlines, end up very likable and awesome. Theyre easy reads, and i've blown through them (as has my sister who's more obsessed than i am). Cutesy cartoony art that's really appealing to the eye, with some awesome references and witty dialogue. It's both epic, and the gateway drug to get any girl into comics. I love 'em.
interesting... wonder if i can pick it up here in the UK also, scott pilgrim i really do not care for.
What have you read? Majority of all the comics I've picked out for myself, I have loved. Can't think of much that I've hated. I normally tend to look up a few reviews of something before I pick it up.
I like comic books. But with no money, and no background knowledge, I doubt I could ever get into it. I'm fairly well versed in DC and Marvel, but not with any specific story arcs.