hey send me a pm with the link for verification, i mean if it is the real deal im mad for reading it haha.
Wow now I think I'm going to have to go dark on forgehub too I thought no one would post anything involving campaign.
Technically it is still against the rules because it is LEAKED content. I've been watching a live stream so I pretty much know all of this -.-
Noooooo! I hate how this isn't reportable. Moderators, it's leaked content. The game wasn't released yet, it got stolen, this is leaked information. And since we are an affiliate of Bungie.net, this should be locked and removed.
I read some of the npc deaths but I know I'm going to forget about them by the time I get the game. so who cares. And really this is bad because a lot of people will read it thinking it's a joke then realize it's real and they will be pissed. I was mad for a minute but then I realized if I block it from my thoughts then I won't remember it.