The Minefield..

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Drinkingdark1, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. Drinkingdark1

    Drinkingdark1 Forerunner

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    ''The Minefield Easy-Impossible''
    Players: 1-16

    Respawning: 3 lives for each runner,one life for the snipers.

    Health: 1000%

    Shields: None

    Speed: 200%(Oh carefull..Adjusted after the difficulty..this is going to be a series of maps..From Easy-Impossible

    Difficulty: Easy-Impossible

    Mines: Well..Teleporters under ground(Change the height and width to maximum,Place them randomly to create a path and put a teleporter inside a rock or something../high up in the sky)

    Armor Ability: Sprint ftw.

    Melee damage: Instant-kill

    Headshot immune: NO

    Assasination immune: YES(To cheap if the snipers are camping in their base)

    Snipers: Normal 100% health with the Hologram AA

    Objective: Get tru the minefield and kill the snipers!You have instant kill,use it well.

    When you arrive at the''sniper base'' you will pick up the armor lock and a custom powerup(Insta-kill on everything and u have 3000%? shields)

    If you kill the Snipers..Another round begins(Change locations now)

    The team with most kills after 5 rounds(Yeah im cheap:p) will win.

    Impossible Mode: Teleporters have changed location..landmines are placed carefully on the wont survive..

    Same health/dmg stuff as before.

    Snipers have 20X bigger base than easy mode,its nearly impossible to track them down(If the moongoose tru wall thing works again,its an labyrinth,nuff said,or teleporters if some left of them)

    Tell me what you think..
    #1 Drinkingdark1, Aug 23, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2010
  2. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Might as well have landmines as well, add the difficulty of navigating the field. Put teleporters where people would like to camp from getting shot and as such to highten the chances of people getting blown up. You could always have them teleport into a kill ball, penalty box kill.
  3. Valor1204

    Valor1204 Forerunner

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    I had a similar idea. Except that the gametype will be race and the people will have to race to the end of the minefield. I was basically gonna have landmines placed randomly where you cant see them and explode when you pass right over them.
  4. Drinkingdark1

    Drinkingdark1 Forerunner

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    Ofc. The Landmines are only placed in impossible and Expert mode :p
  5. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
    Senior Member

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    just saying, doesn't it need mines to be a minefield? without mines, it's just a field.
  6. Alucard

    Alucard Forerunner

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    Well, it sounds like a great set of maps and a good idea for a game mode, but you have to set the number of rounds to an even number or else each team will be in one position more times than the other team.

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