Map size: Medium Small. Gametype:all but works best for 2v2 slayer get it here: Confluence v2.0 overview abyss sanctum action shot This map was built with slayer in mind all other gametypes work though. Confluence is a 3 story arena consisting of a bottom floor known as abyss the middle being Pergitory and the sniper tower being Sanctum. In abyss the power weapon up for grabs is the splazer very powerfull but around abyss's relativly large amount of cover and shield doors useless good idea to make a run for the air lift to use this weapon effectivley tip for splazer spawn theres a hole above the shield door anyone in there cant be shot but can be naded, also theres a power drain tword the back of the map. Pergitory the second level is relitivley open perfect for the spartan lazer to bad this level is where you find the shotty but wait theres a bubble shield in the back also just unedrneth sanctum is the overshield tunnel created so that the overshield invicibility charge up will be finished by the time you get out of the tunnel. Sanctum the sniper tower, sniper to the right of the air lift regenerator to the left go crazy killing those in purgatory this is the must have location but watch ur back u never know who might come direct from the abyss. What makes this map so special and play so well is the ability to travel between all three floors almost seamlessley combined with smart weapon placement thanks to my coleague makes camping almost abolished. Dont try stealing this map i have video documentation of its creation. Main structure by Baby Bacon and Level tweaks By BORIStehJUGGALO. Techniques used during FORGING Interlocking and floating objects. note:budgit glitching was not used during the makeing of this map i believe that the budget is there for a reason.please post anything u find wrong with it. ps dont forget to rate and comment at
Hey Baby Bacon! I've seen you around on the Bnet forums. Glad to have you here! Unfortunately, your post needs a little work. We have a specific way of posting maps here that we require all users to follow. You can read up on how to post by clicking here: Map Posting Guidelines You have a great description, just work on embedding your screenshots and linking the map.
This is very confusing, you may wan to make the description less sloppy and embed some images. P.S. the link works fine. Just follow the link that was given to you by DTL and you should be fine. P.S.S I checked out your map, and it looks great. Follow the link and you will get plenty of DL's. - Tanks - Flymingo
welcome to forge hub baby baccon your map looks neat and good for a friendly game of slayer with extreme bib bob
Your post looks MUCH better bacon!The map itself looks impressive! I'll download and get back to you.
yeah I'm with Flymingo on this one. you should try to clean up your description a little bit, make it easier to read. maybe try breaking up the weapons list into bulleted format or something of that nature. looks like you put alot of work into this map, good job.
looks very well made something about it just stand out to me, i just don't know what. btw good job for your first map
This looks awesome. I like how you have equal balance in gameplay, which really sets this map from apart others. Your interlocking looks great and weapon choic was smart. Its a DL for m. =]
Looks like a pretty solid first map, and I'm guessing that it only gets better from here on out, so just keep working at it. The interlocking is clean, my only complaint would be that the map lacks a bit of excitement and doesn't have anything special that caught my eye (at least in looking at the pics). Also, you probably want to break up your description into seperate sections and run a spell check so that people see useful map information and not just a muddled wall of text.
yea like in my amazing brick wall of a description says its manely for slayer i didnt want to put anything to risky on this one that might jepordize its balance im saveing that stuff for a new map ive got in my head whitch is going to be a far cry from this maps simple arena style
I'm loving that top bridge level, but other than that, I really can't get a feel for your map. And yeah, I think I've seen you before.
I chcked it out and it was good. Although I really thought that each level was going to be bigger. It's a good 1 vs 1 map though. You have good weapon placement on the map, and the Splazer doesnt totally overpower people. My only complaint would probably be size. I wouldv'e liked it to be bigger for like a 3v3 or 4v4 map.
the map actually started out way bigger but do to limited objects slowly shrunk over time didnt want a larger map that was the same old square/ rectagular shape. btw i noticed people were giving this the horrible rating on the poll if your going to give it the worst possible rating please post why the polls the first thing people see and makes them not even consider looking at the map