Sandbox Surreal

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Spaceneil8, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. Spaceneil8

    Spaceneil8 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Forged by:

    The Blaze JP

    Designed by:

    Solo XIII


    This map started a little over a year ago when a couple people at the MLG Forge Forum and I wanted to design a Big team map that is actually balanced and plays well. I especially was too sick of downloading big team maps that were basically unplayable in traditional 6v6-8v8 games. Maps that were budget glitched, or had open bases, terrible lines of sight, and poor weapon placement. So I, with lots of help from Solo XIII, set off to design a big team map with balance and gameplay in mind. Ultimately, the design we created achieved most of our goals.

    However, due to a busy life, I was unable to forge the map. So, I put the map up for adoption in March of this year. After 10+ forgers who said they would forge it but couldn't, I gave up on trying to find a forger. It wasn't until June, where I randomly got numerous offers to forge it. After reviewing the forgers, I decided on Conkerkid because I was going to be on vacation from July 1st - August 15th, and I wanted to release it before that time. Something coincidently happened to Conker's computer and he couldn't finish it. I ended up giving it to my good friend blaze from the MLG Forge Forum to finish it by the time I got back. After some changes based on testing (with help from Fritzster <3) the map is finally read for release.

    This map is lucky to be forged at all. I am not planning on forging this in reach, unless this version is successful. Even still, I have various projects for Reach and this is not one of my priorities.

    About the Map:

    The design itself is influenced by a variety of things. Since I wanted this map to be fun and balanced. I chose an unique inverse symmetrical style for the design. That way, it never feels like you just came from the same area when you are crossing sides. The pathways are wide enough so that a team of players have no problem maneuvering around the map, and so that the warthog is not only capable of driving on the ground but on the rest of the map as well. I'll be honest with you, this is a very fun map to drive a warthog around. Closed bases are an obvious staple to this map. Even if you have multiple players/warthogs circling your base, there will always be a safe place to go to or spawn in. Making this map within budget was also a huge priority. I want to make sure you guys can actually play this map the way it was intended. Budget glitched maps are horribly laggy for anything above a 4v4 imo. Dividing the lines of sight was my main goal with this map. I rarely see this in big team maps, and it is one of the most important aspects on big team maps. Each team's side should be very distinct. I should feel safe on my side, and my team should push together to be successful on the other team's side (Think Standoff, Valhalla, Avalanche, and Rat's Nest). Also, I want to point out that getting on top of the wall is absolutely intentional. It is undoubtedly the strongest position on whole map, but it is also the most open. You can shoot a very large area but a very large area can shoot you. This isn't a dominating line of sight because it cannot shoot protected areas. It's a Risk vs Reward situation.

    Now for the weapon set up. Rockets spawns on the wooden platform, and OS spawns under the arch. These power weapons are placed here so that teams cannot simply camp the base, and if one team is not watching their OS or Rockets the other team can quickly take advantage of that. The Spartan Laser spawns in the middle. This is THE weapon to watch. The laser has the potential to quickly turn the tide of the battle. Missile pod spawns in the garage, power drain spawns under the wall platform, plasma pistol spawns on the S, and brute shot spawns on the top of the base. These will be your bread and butter to defending yourself against the warthog, ghost, and mongoose. The warthog spawns on the wall platform, ghost spawns in the back of the base, and the mongoose spawns behind the wall platform. These will be the best ways to maneuver around the map quickly, but these vehicles are not necessary to properly travel around this map. This lead to another gripe I have on big team maps. Some maps are basically impossible to walk around without a vehicle. Trying to get from one place to another without a vehicle is suicide on some maps. Ranting aside, it's a great design, give it a download and see for yourself. If you actually read the whole thread so far, please put an eight with a parenthesis after it at the end of your post. This cool kid smile face simply lets me know that you care. :)

    Special Thanks

    Solo XIII - for helping me design it.
    Blaze - for making sure the map gets finished.
    Conkerkid - for doing what so many couldn't; forge some of the map.
    Everyone who wanted to forge it - for letting me know the design is actually good.
    Everyone who took the project but couldn't finish it - for being nice about it.
    Fritzster - for helping the map get released. I can honestly say this map wouldn't get released without Fritzster.
    Pulsekiller - for helping blaze out, and helping with spawns.
    b0b43 - for taking a look at it way back when.
    Tak - for taking a look at it way back when.
    My bro - for something idk.
    bunniesz - for Iron Chefz :p.
    Yoyo, and LD - for reviving the thread in june. Sorry you guys didn't get to forge it.
    MLG Forge forum - for making quality maps.
    Everybody who helped test it - for testing it.

    "what about the...?"
    "Oh, yeah"



    It's surreal that this map actually got finished.
    Surreal - Download Here
    #1 Spaceneil8, Aug 23, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2010
  2. Hugh299

    Hugh299 Ancient
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    This map is so tight! I love the middle wall thingy made out a tubes, and the GMed ramp in the middle of that, its smooth. For some reason it made me think of Sanctuary...

    Great map!
  3. E max

    E max Forerunner

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    I agree with what you said up there. I hate big team, just because of wo ever has *powerweapon/veical* wins. This looks like a mlg map but for big team and thats what i like about it. Veary neat and well planed out. You have my download! =D
  4. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Hooray, Surreal is finally finished! It's been what, two months since I've seen this thing? Blaze certainly did an excellent job adding those finishing touches here and there and finishing up the bases. I only hope it played as well as you hoped during the tests... Downloading now... Thanks for posting it before Reach released! :D
  5. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Ancient

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    Good job in general, love the shapes and stuff you did with the map. Pretty cool. From the overview it looks like a regular boxed in map, but from the other pics., it looks more worked on and pretty well done.
  6. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    Wow is the only world I can think of right now. When I saw the first picture, I was wondering how a map design such as this could possibly be balanced, but then I thought of your introduction and all the big team battle maps I have played, and then I realized how ground-breaking this is! You have definately earned a download from me! Oh, and btw, 8) 8) 8)
  7. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Yes. Yes! YES!!!!

    I remember this map and i remember SOMEBODY promising to pm me when it was finished... ;) One thing i have to ask; do those S shaped designs actually fit well into the design and flow of the map? When i saw the original sketchup they seemed random and almost like you were adding them in the hope that it would be good for LoS. They were definitely the biggest question i had with the map design. Oh, and btw.....

  8. b0b43

    b0b43 Ancient
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    I was meant to comment on this yesterday, wasn't I?

    Win map is win. That's all. Hopefully we can actually get some games on it, maybe if we can get a bunch of people together right before Reach we can play it.

    And how does the Warthog have a shadow in the 2nd last pic???? Dodgy Bungie lightmaps are dodgy lol.
  9. Spaceneil8

    Spaceneil8 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man. I can see some sanctuary influence too. The dividing wall, along with the inverse symmetry is an example.

    @ E max

    Thanks, we really wanted to make this map different than the other big team maps out there.

    @ Conker

    Yeah, It's been a while. I'm glad this map even got released. It's really hard to find 10 people to test a big team map in Halo 3 nowadays.

    @ MLG Instinct

    Thanks man. I love Instinct too. Hopefully, they pull out a win at Raleigh.

    @ RittSea

    Thanks so much. I'm glad you read the whole thing. I really appreciate the fact that you read everything. <3

    @ Death Yoyo

    Sorry about the PM. But I'm glad you supported the map. Your support definitely helped get this map done, in an indirect kinda way.

    On to the S's. The S's serve as a weaker strong hold, as well as a LoS blocker. They prevent a lot of cross map shooting. Cross map shooting is sometimes a big problem in big team maps. For example, on an open map like standoff, the player has the ability to shoot across the whole map at times (in the side to side direction, base to base is fine imo). This severely weakens players that try to walk to the other base, even if they are going around the sides of the map. In addition, the S's serve as a stronghold. If you are able to push to the other side, the S will be able to shelter you from shots from the base or either side since it is detached from everything else. When you hold the S, you give your team mates a much easier path to attack the base and control the OS, Rockets, and Laser. Also, holding the S on your side will make it a lot easier to fend off pushes from the enemy team, while your team might be recovering. However, since the S's are detached from the rest of the map, holding the S does not guarantee success elsewhere. Ideally, the S's are situational strongholds, you want to hold the S when you are waiting from support from your team mates, and when the power weapons are up. The S has angles of attack on all 3 off the major power weapons, and leaving the S to get one of the three offers an interesting Risk vs Reward.

    Every part of the map is well thought out. And I'm glad you read the whole thread. Your feedback is much appreciated. <3


    Lol yeah. Bungie and their shadows. Hopefully we can get some customs going. It's impossible to get good games in these days.
    #9 Spaceneil8, Aug 24, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
  10. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    First off, good job on being the first(and hopefully not last)person to sucessfully pull of an "MLG BTB" map design, I obviously haven't had the chance to play it, but I think all of us have followed the production of this map rather intently.

    It looks absolutely great, and the only problem I have ever had with the design is it has so few height variations.
  11. Spaceneil8

    Spaceneil8 Ancient
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    Thanks man. Everybody's support really helped this map get finished. The height variation issue is there. I had to make some areas around wood flat in order to stay with in the budget. There are other ideas I had that we simply did not have budget for.

    This is mainly aimed at forge hub guys, but Budget glitching is simply not an option for a big team map, it makes the map basically unplayable past a 4v4.
  12. Fritzster

    Fritzster Silly Goose
    Senior Member

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    This map came a long way. So many people have had a hand in on it. From the scarce 5v5 games we've held the map plays so well. It's a shame there was never a proper 6v6 game organized for this good map.
  13. Spaceneil8

    Spaceneil8 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You help is definitely appreciated. Thanks man.

    And Here's a post I made on a separate site discussing the reason behind the center wall.
  14. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Among the best designed BTB maps ever. It's been a pleasure playing it with you Neil.
  15. Spaceneil8

    Spaceneil8 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man. Good luck with your Reach projects.
  16. TheKingOfCrash7

    TheKingOfCrash7 Forerunner

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    I think this map would play well if anyone could actually get 10 people on H3 at a time. My only problem with this map is the lack of aesthetics. You guys really sacrificed some visual appeal for gameplay. I still think it would play well. 6.5/10
  17. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The map wasn't supposed to "look" good. The design's original intent was to create a well-playing competitive BTB map that fit within Sandbox's budget.

    I actually think it looks really good too. All of the structures compliment each other and for some reason, the middle bridge is beautiful.

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