Heyy, I'm new to these forums so please do be nice Anyways, I'm pretty good at Forge and built a few maps throughout my Halo 3 experience. However, I have came to a standstill. I have been having some trouble making a slayer map based off the idea of a conveyor belt - Made of pallet's. There is a version of a conveyor belt which I have made, however there is a few minor problems with it. If you cannot picture what type of pallett conveyor belt am I talking about then great, but if you can't. Then you could relate it to a map called The Pallet. Youtube Link of "The Pallett": YouTube - Halo 3 Forged Map - The Pallet Please note I DID NOT make this map So what I am trying to ask is that does anybody know of, or seen any type of tutorial which would help me create a Conveyor belt. Thanks, XCH3MiiCAL --- Sorry about layout, like I said i'm new here.
This idea is from a very popular map posted by a popular member of forgehub, i suggest scrapping the idea before you get flamed into oblivion
Guys, read his post. He wants help on learning how to create a similar conveyor belt. He didn't say anything about the map being his. Anyway, Moved to Halo 3 Forge Discussion.
Yeh, I have however I just wanted help on the pallet spawns, it doesn't matter now thanks for the help anyway guys.
Grav lifts and a very well forged tray for the pallets to slide in. At the end the pallets fall of and get destroyed, starting the process all over again.
I read the post, I didnt accuse him of anything, just warned him about an imminent flaming if he continued. If a map with sliding pallets cropped up in the map section we all know what near enough every comment would be saying. If i were you i would try to create an original concept rather than copy an existing one, its the difference between getting great feedback anf recognition and getting flamed and insulted
Of course it is replicable. Even better replicated in fact. On h3artificer, I saw a guy recreate the "spire" lift (forgot original map name -.-). Just use a killball to instantly destroy the pallets. The process will be much smoother.