Forge glitches and gametype bugs

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Plasma Blades, Aug 17, 2010.

  1. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Lately I posted two maps that received more comments/feedback than most of my other maps (which isn't saying much, but it's important nonetheless). These two maps are the first two maps in my signature. The first one is The Turbines, which was sent to both the Review Hub and Testers Guild. The major problem with this map is that people do not know where to go (unless they've thoroughly read the post). At the start there are three directions for humans to go. The zombies can utilize their starting spawn to see which direction the humans go, which corresponds with the teleporters in their hub (if the humans went left, go to the teleporters on the left). However people still get confused. Does anyone have a method of fixing this? Another problem involves the mechanics of the game. It's three minutes long because I have a min/max switch involved in the map. If it were longer than three minutes then people wouldn't need to activate the turbines, just camp near the helipad door. Any fix for this? Lastly involves a personal preference question. Do you like or dislike effects on a map? Some testers liked it, others didn't, so I want to know what other people think (keep in mind that this is an infection map).

    The next map has only one problem, which if it can be solved, could be very useful in forging. The Accelerator is a mini-game map in which humans dodge grenades (though it gets more complicated). In the map, I have discovered an invincibility corner. A grenade can land within sword slicing distance of you and you will not take damage. Can anyone explain this?

    The corner is on the lower level, right side of this picture, the corner farthest away from the camera.

    So in short, here are the questions that were asked in this post.


    1. How can I give humans and zombies a sense of orientation on a map where the zombies have a blocked off, near symmetrical spawn room, and the humans have 3 to four paths to choose from.
    2. How can I lengthen a game to longer than three minutes when I have a min/max switch in effect that is necessary to the game?
    3. Do you mind effects on an infection map?
    4. Why do I have an invincibility corner and how do I fix it?
    Thanks in advance for the help, it will be greatly appreciated,
    Plasma Blades
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Well, i'm thinking that the invincibility corner involves enough of the body being through the Shield Door to be protected from damage. Its something like 65% of the body has to be through the Shield. Basically, just move the shield doors out or the walls in a tiny bit.
  3. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I tried that, but if I move them any more then they're in the wall. They're already as close to the wall and ground as possible.
  4. patrickcanttype

    patrickcanttype Forerunner

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    For the corner, you can merge a wall into it so that the corner is smaller, and people can't stand there.
    You can show humans where to go with signs (the A and B signs on foundery) or lights (like the red and blue columns on sandbox or teleporter bases).

    Making the 3 minute thing longer is a little more complicated. The easiest way is to put that part of the map earlier in the map. Another thing you can do (this might get confusing) is make it last 5 minutes by doing something like this:

    You have a crate ontop of a teleporter, and the crate needs to be moved to go through it. A fusion coil is set to spawn every 150 seconds. A ramp spawns at 180 seconds and gives the coil a way to get to the crate. It's better explained here
    YouTube - Forge: Guide to switches
    at about 3 minutes.
  5. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll see what I can do about the corner. I don't think it's the distance from the walls but I'll try it anyway. The map is on Longshore, so the signs and lights wouldn't work. Can you ghost merge equipment? Like overshields and active camouflage? If so I might just try that.
    I would try that, but I would rather not use teleporters, altering the direct line of sight in an Infection game isn't a good thing.

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