Bungie Weekly Update: 08/20/2010 Bungie.net : Bungie Weekly Update: 08/20/10 : 8/20/2010 4:03 PM PDT About halfway down the page where it shows the 5 Minute Firefight video. So this means that we will be able to search for random people (like Matchmaking) but in Campaign? What do you guys this of this feature? Do you think they will have Firefight Matchmaking also?
If you watched the interview with Joseph Tung in Bungie's Comm Chatter, they already said that. But yeah, it will be very fun, as long as somebody in your team doesn't kill you constantly. Firefight I believe is in matchmaking.
Firefight matchmaking is already confirmed. And the 'confirmation' of Campaign matchmaking looks dubious.
Just the way they mentioned it. Too simple and straight forward. When has bungie ever done that? Specially to a "Can I haz" question.
That would be really cool. Plus firefight. It would be a good idea, because it would help a lot of those people who get mad easily become more supportive.
I watched an interview where they pretty much said "matchmaking across the board". Regular Matchmaking Firefight Matchmaking (which we've known for a while, its was one of the first improvements they talked about) Campaign Matchmaking, not as much build up as the 4 player co-op for Halo 3. They sort of just started mentioning it in interviews as if to say "well, yeh. Did we not mention that weeks ago?"
Imagine you want to play level 3 with some matchmaking guys, how do you decide which level you want to play? Veto? Seperate matchmaking for each level?
I think you just search what level you want to play and it finds people searching for the same level?
No game company is ever stupid enough to lie about the limits that their game can pass. Bungie wouldn't try to fool their community with their features (aside from Chess on Reach) because that would put them in deep **** when the game comes out and everyone is screaming "BUNGIE LIED TO US!"... people probably are going to be screaming that if chess isn't in (knowing 70% Bungie's incredibly "ingenious" population that we all know...)
I remember in a video from Comic con, on the bungie panel, a person screamed out "Chess!" The bungie representitive then laughed and replied "It was April Fools Day."
Followed by "I LOVE YOU BUNGIE!", "No, we love you." Awesome panel. I'm sure we'll be able to select level and difficulty to matchmake by. Maybe even a "random level" which will dump you with people trying to play a level nobody else is searching for. Firefight matchmaking has selectable difficulty, so I guess so will Campaign
maybe it will do something like Left for Dead matchmaking. where you just randomly join a bunch of people halfway through the game (as long as you've already completed that section of the game already). does anyone know if we can do matchmaking for custom games. eg. i set up a game in custom games, then click on matchmaking, and then people who want to play custom games lobby are put in my custom game and then we play the game. etc. i only ask because i sometimes found it hard to get friends and random peeps to join my custom games and custom maps tht i wanted tested out.
I believe the Campaign playlists will be a bit like this: -Campaign ---Winter Contingency -----Easy -----Normal -----Heroic -----Legendary ---Mission 2 (don't know the name) -----Easy -----Normal -----Heroic -----Legendary ---Mission 3 (don't know the name) -----Easy -----Normal -----Heroic -----Legendary Etcetera, etcetera...
I don't think you can do matchmaking for your own maps. If you're friends with one of those "reach customs" guys, you can look at his friends list and invite everyone on it though. Plus, it's also possible Bungie might add a custom games playlist for what they consider to be the best of the best.
This was the problem for Halo 3:ODST. If they would have included Firefight matchmaking or maybe even Campaign matchmaking more people would have played it longer than they did.
I hope the campaing matchmaking don't have same problem that was in ODST, when one guy leaves, the game ends.