EYE Description: Erm... It's a map I made on Sandbox, in the skybubble, that just turned out to be shaped like an eye, so yeah. It's outfitted for Team Slayer, Team Odball, Team Crazy King, and Team Assault. Here's some pics: [UPDATED PIC] Download: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Comments? Questions?
I think its a little small for team assult, and since the map is really small the hornets are probly over powered. I'd sudgest you add some more path ways and switch out the hornets for some thing eles, maby a power up or a weapon. this does look pretty fun for a 1v1 but maby a bit small for a 2v2. I can see one spwan point but im asuming there are some more in the tunnle. This does seem really easy to spawn camp. So i hope this helped and i would like to see an updated verson of this map soon. =D
Thanks guys. I tried to make this an at least half-decent map, and I had some problems with interlocking, and ghost merging. There may be a few bumps on the walkways here and there, because of this. Please let me know of any bugs.