This is a motocross based racetrack, Im a mapmaker on halotracks so you can expect a good quality track... Download Link: : Halo 3 File Details Track name: AMA MilleVille Creator: cant stop donut Gametype: RACETRACKS YOUTUBE VIDEO: YouTube - Halo 3 Race Track: AMA MilleVille‎ This map features a starting gate, smooth berms, consistent jumps, realistic inside/outside lines, Lucas Oil drop-offs, whoops, and great racing! Pics: Starting gate The "MV" Drop off Jump and then the "S" Turn Overview : Halo 3 File Details
Mega spam, lol ^^^ But really this map looks awesome. One of the better tracks that actually uses terrain. Good job. Add one more download to that DL count
I love this map. My style of tracks has always been to use the terrain to your advantage and make it part of the track. You did an excellent job of this, and I love the small banks you made as well as the jumps and whoops of a motocross style track. Awesome forge job, and keep up the good work.
Hmmmmmm.This is a great and very diverse track. The way you mixed the terrain with merged objects is very unusual but intresting. Good job.
Hey, where's the ruts? Your tracks alright. I race motocross in real life so when i see **** like this, "AMA MilleVille", I expect a lot. I hate all the people that think there like a part of it or a real racer or something but there not, or when they attempt to act cool and **** by waering Monster when they're not sponsored. Or try to sorta replicate a real life motocross track when they most likely dont know much about it, and it turns out to to be shitty. It just makes the sport look bad. You did an OKAY job. I like the S-turn area and the inside berms, and the jump landing going into it, but theres no woodin jumps on a moto track. If you woulda used double blocks, which woulda ended up the same result, it woulda looked good. The starting gate needs some real work If your going to leave one area un-walled, you might as well leave the rest un-walled. I know you were probably going for having it cheatproof so it would be legal in race tourneys or something, but if your gonna do that dont make it a motocross track please. Motocross tracks dont have walls. Mine has a few woodfences and blocks and stuff, but they are more like banners for sponsors, kinda, and there def not walls. The big jump is too big for a moto track as well, at least the way its designed. If you woulds a made it like over a hill or something, sweet. Overall I think it has good forging and some parts i wish i woulda used in mine, but it still needs some work to deserve the name AMA MilleVille. I'm pretty sure the V is lowercase too.