With Halo: Reach coming out in less than a month, I ask you, which map did you enjoy Forging on more: Sandbox or Foundry? Vote in the poll and explain your reasoning below. I vote Sandbox, for its 3 levels of awesomeness, its huge object pallet, its high budget and its vast amount of freedom. How about you?
Did you ****ing read anything besides the thread title? I enjoyed Foundry. It was more aesthetically pleasing to me (warehouse > sand). It had just a better feel to it. Sandbox was fun, though.
when I was alone I got actually pretty scared of the cramped hallways of foundry then I just go to sand box and forge to get away from it all
I think overall Foundry was better. I just think good maps look better on foundry. And i liked the look of the objects more than sandboxes boring stone blocks. And as far as asthetics go i think theres a lot more to do on sandbox, but ive seen alot more better quality asthetics in foundry maps than in sandbox maps.
I enjoyed Foundry for really competitive and unique maps will I enjoyed Sandbox for maps with great aesthetics.
Sandbox because it gives you more creative freedom. But then there is that light somewhere in the skybubble that f*cking follows you. I was forging like at 4 in the morning a few weeks ago. It was all quiet and calm until suddenly, the freaking light popped out of nowhere. I was all like OMG WTF! It was obviously nothing, but it just popped out and scared the **** out of me. (Also I heard somewhere that it was a guardian >_>)
Decisions, decisions..... I'll have to go with Foundry, even though I haven't released any Foundry maps (I plan to release my final H3 map which is on Foundry soon, though) Foundry have more movable objects, more human objects (Do columns with glowing lights and big, red and blue lights and holes in the ground and floating thousands of feet above the ground and evil towers feel Human to you?), and better looking aesthetics than sand and stone. The cons of Foundry, however, made it a little more difficult to make a great map on. Smaller, less head room if you want a tower, close-to-but-un-symmetrical shape (yes, it was asymmetrical. Noticed this a little while ago. Slight, but it makes it asymmetrical), and less budget and object limit. If foundry was bigger, and had a better budget/object limit, I'd forge on it 60% more than Sandbox.
I love how foundry looks, but when I go to forge on it...I just plain out suck. Sandbox would be great if the damn blocks weren't so ****ed. (Dented, breaking, weird ass textures.) I pick avalanche.
Foundry, it was the map that got me into real forging and most of my favourite maps are on foundry too
Right now, with Reach so close and me not wanting to forge anything really big and serious, Foundry's better for me. I've always liked the looks of a cleanly forged Foundry map.
Forge World > Sandbox Im gonna have to go with Sandbox. It has more room, more money, more everything.
Sand box for sure, there are more things to do then forging in a tight little warehouse with $700. Its more fun to go up in the air and create floating maps, plus the skybubble was probably the biggest part of the map. So many more ideas snapped into people minds when sand box came out.
I guess it really depends on the type of map you're making. Sandbox gave way to a ton of mini-games and casual infection games, so I think it's better for that. Ironically enough I had to make my mini-game on Foundry, but that's besides the point. Foundry worked well for the urban theme, Sandbox for the abandoned theme. For example, I tried to make a street on Sandbox for my new map. Didn't work too well. Aside from "crashed cars" I couldn't do much except add a streetlight. Sandbox however, has more entertaining objects. 7-wood, tin cup, killball, lights, etc. I can't think of many objects that were entertaining in Foundry. But for the most part, Foundry had the better tube-like pieces. The tubes on Sandbox were half a foot off the ground. Sure, they gave us tube ramps, but those just look ugly with the tubes. Nonetheless, Sandbox is better suited for large scale maps. You never see a big team map on Foundry, because of it's size. There are countless other points I can use to compare these two maps, but I have summer work to do. So, I guess I'll cast my vote to Sandbox for the size and object palette. Both factors give more room for opportunity in forging.