If this has been posted before, my bad. I personally think that the Focus Rifle is garbage. It's so different from the Sniper Rifle that I don't even see how it can be considered an equivalent. I'm totally bummed that the Beam Rifle is gone. What do y'all think?
Focus Rifle all the way. To me the Beam Rifle was just a rip-off of the Sniper Rifle. Two consecutive shots, and it overheats. The gun was plain useless. The Focus Rifle, on the other hand, is a badass weapon. I was really bummed that the Sentinel Beam didn't show up much in Halo 3's multiplayer, but now it's been revamped with a sniper scope and a new name in Reach, and best of all, it's in multiplayer! I definitely think Bungie made the right choice by replacing the Beam Rifle with the Focus Rifle.
The problem with the focus rifle is that its overpowered at close range, but if they lower the damage then its not powerfull enough at long distance. And since its considered a sniper it needs to have that high damage at long distance. So all in all its really a broken weapon. They should not have fused the 2 together. The beam rifle was fine the way it was and so was the sentinel beam. I think its quite obvious (if you think about what i said) that this was a bad choice by bungie.
That would be stupid. Someone across the map would have a better chance of killing you than someone right next to you. It just wouldn't work.
Actually it would just balance the weapon better. So at close range you could do just enough damage to defend yourself if attacked, and at long range it would do enough damage to kill someone after having the beam on them for a few seconds.
Yeah but imagine playing a game where everyone spawns with a Focus Rifle. Everyone would try to get as far away from everyone else as possible so they could do the most damage. It just doesn't seem like something Bungie would/should do.
Then dont play a game where everyone spawns with focus rifles. And actually Bungie probaly would of done had they thought of it or they heard the idea. Because it is a great idea, and way to balance the weapon. And they cant do it anyway since the game is done.
I didn't notice any problems with the focus rifle when I used it in the beta. I don't pay attention to weapon damage at different distances and stuff like that though. I just pick it up and shoot people...
I don't like having a sniper rifle that needs to be held on the target. the new sniper is B33ST, but the focus rifle isn't that great at long-range, unless you're shooting someone AFK.
Yea but there's a pause in between each bullet and with the focus rifle you just hold right trigger and just point it at the guy.
To be honest, I thought that the weapons were unbalanced. Sniper Rifle >>> Focus Rifle Rocket Launcher < Plasma Launcher DMR < Needle Rifle Grenade Launcher < Needler Assault Rifle < Plasma Rifle Pistol > Plasma Pistol Shotgun > Sword I played mostly Invasion and occasionally got stuck playing Invasion Slayer. I felt that the Covenant were given a superior long range advantage and the Spartans had the short range advantage which often led to very lopsided match results. Focus Rifle sucked. Head to head with beam rifle, I'd prefer the beam rifle anyday. Sure it was cool and all, but a poor substitute for a beam rifle.
What are you talkin about? The beam rifle is faster than the human sniper if you time it right, plus you dont have to reload it compared to the human sniper.
The focus rifle doesn't work like a sniper, it's pretty damn difficult to have that laser held on someone long enough to kill long range. Sniper -> headshot -> dead person -> me +1. I'll always <3 you beamy.
I think the focus rifle is just right. At long range though you can just hold it on a guy it takes a while to kill. But to make up for that its good at short range as well, the biggest downside I see is if you get a few kills the whole enemy team can see where you are and they all come after you.
YEah I feel the same way. Although, I never did quite use the beam rifle. But if I was given the opportunity to pick, I would prefer the beam rifle.
why does the covenant need an exact equivilent to every human weapon: BR-Carbine, DMR- Needle Rifle, Assult Rifle- Plasma Repeater. Yes the Focus Rifle is in the sniper class, but its more like a sentinel on steroids with a 10X scope added on for good measure. I personal always disliked the beam rifle, especially in the halo 3 multiplayer, only ten shots, two shots in a row overheats. The focus rifle is new and fresh and a great addition to the halo experience.