Sandbox Splatterball

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by II Tyspartan II, Aug 22, 2010.

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  1. II Tyspartan II

    II Tyspartan II Forerunner

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    Splatterball, the 1v1 or 2v2 game that's swiffering the nation, is complete and ready for the public! Described as the next Griffball, the objective is quite similar. Other games like this have been made, but none with a scoring system so advanced and foolproof. Splatterball uses the same scoring system as Pinball, but in a much more familiar setting.
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    The objective of the game is to get the golf ball that spawns in the beginning of the round in to the opposite teams net using your chopper and teamwork. And a little luck. Once a team scores, a member of said team must commit scuicide by walking into one of the nets, then it's as simple as jumping into the teleporter at your spawn zone.

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    Thanks so much to my pal IamFuzzysocanU for helping me with the map and all the people who helped play test.Here's the link to the map and gametype. I'm new to forge hub so just comment if i need to change the link. Enjoy!
  2. fluffyroks

    fluffyroks Forerunner

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    You have posted this map twice it is more than likely that it will be locked or banned.
    I am very surprised it hasn't been yet good luck don't do this again
  3. II Tyspartan II

    II Tyspartan II Forerunner

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    i was going to take off the other thread but w/e i cant figure out how so idc if one gets locked.
  4. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Yeah sorry to say this is a double post I have no idea why you decided to post this to competitive it was fine in the minigame section because the gametype looks and plays like a minigame it is not a default like Slayer or a competitive variant like SWAT. People have been posting a lot of casuals in the competitive section and minigames as well. I say this post should exist only in the minigame section and be deleted from the competitives. Onto the map THe map looks very decent except the places you decided not to interlox look a little sloppy. Scoring is pretty legit though I'm sure this would be good if I had a party of 4 players with nothing to do but turn off the xbox. I will DL tomorrow cuz my xbox got taken away for the day so ya.
  5. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Locked due to double map post...
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