This is the map I had talked about before in a previous thread, right now its only a work in progress and this is only the first of the 2 separate maps but I was looking for some feedback and possible tips on it. Red Start Spawn Blue Start Spawn The map is called Miranda (I was watching Serenity when I had the idea) and its designed for 4v4 slayer or FFA slayer. The innovation that you can't see in the pictures is, my map is going to actually be 3 separate maps. This one being the design of the first 2 and a different one being the third, but the way it will work is, X amount of time into the game a huge radius sender node will spawn sending every player on the map to a recently spawned other map, now the original spawn points will all have an immovable objects spawn on top of them to prevent spawning at the old map. This will happen again later on sending them to another map that I plan on building in the Quarry. Here is the map difference rundown, Map 1: Only UNSC weapons with the map model shown. Map 2: Same map model but only Covenant weapons spawn and in different spawns (ie the concussion rifle doesn't spawn in the same place as the grenade launcher) Map 3: Completely different map made in the Quarry with mixed weapons and vehicles. Now, my only worry is possible budget problems but otherwise I believe it would work as a map.
Gorramit, so much for my Miranda infection map then. Reavers... they made them! Run it's the PAX! *shrug* I still called dibs on making Serenity. She and I have a late dinner appointment on the 14th. Okay that out of my system, (though I am listening to the soundtrack now) The maps feels a little open, where would this be located? That might help picturing the whole image. I'd say use the rocks to help make the surrounding area a little less open... and I would say more but I have a berk in the back about to break my items in my store. More later. -_- ... Browncoats unite!
Lol deal you can have Serenity =P and yeah thought of the name just cuz I think its a pretty damn good name for a planet lolz
How will you prevent players from spawning on "map 2" at the beginning? Can teleporters have a spawn delay in Reach? If spawn points had a spawn time delay this could work.
Well the whole thing is based on the hope that a spawn point can spawn delayed but I don't see any reason why not, but true, it is just speculation right now but here's hoping.