Seeking Switch Makers

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ching Chong Kid, Aug 14, 2010.

  1. Ching Chong Kid

    Ching Chong Kid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I am looking for people who are interested in switches. I am going to start a group of people who are either switch makers already or are interested in learning how to make switches. This group will be a group interested in working together to invent, create, and discuss switches in Halo and will be the forefront in developing and expanding the world of switches. My intent is to create a decently sized group of people well versed in switch making that can work together in working with switches.

    If you are interested in joining this group please fill out this simple form and post it in a reply and I will contact you when I've gotten further on forming this group.

    Also, feel free to contact me on Skype if you have any questions, Skype name: chingchongkid
    #1 Ching Chong Kid, Aug 14, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2010
  2. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Gamertag: WWWilliam
    Experience: Know how to make all switches from halo 3 and how use them effectively.
    Own: Halo:3 soon Halo:Reach
    Contact: ForgeHub I have Skype but I've never used it
    Questions: Does it matter if I want to play MM for first season to get Onyx before everyone goes pro? because it seems like it wouldn't take to long to learn them all and It would probably be to late for me to help.
    Suggestions: I was gonna put this in the other thread but I thought it would be better off here, Few things might/might not already know for a new "fuse" switch you could use the Grenade launcher holding it down for as long as you want, Movable kill balls, setting movable objects to unmovable(but not vise versa), teleporting zones that teleport vehicles(unknown if works unmanned)
    #2 WWWilliam, Aug 14, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2010
  3. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

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    Gamertag: x1134 Firex
    Experience: I Do not know how to make many switches in halo 3 mainly because i never bothered looking. but the ones i have looked up i grasped insanely easily and i would like to help you.
    Own: I own halo 3 with all dlc, and im getting reach.
    Contact: Im on forge hub about every day and of course xbox live.
    Questions: Will we be having required meetings or will it be lax?
    Suggestions: Have teaching days where you teach the group or select members switches that you would like them to know.
  4. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Gamertag: B3NW
    Experience: I make switches, I have very good knowledge of switches
    Own: Halo3 & Reach when released
    Contact: FH, Skype, MSN, Xbox live
    Questions: N/A
    Suggestions: When Reach is released, we get straight to work. I think that teaching before it comes out will be useful in finding new and old switch techniques in Reach
  5. Ching Chong Kid

    Ching Chong Kid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright guys thanks for showing your interest in this, we're getting going. And I've taken down all suggestions made. B3NW, how do you suggest we teach before its release? Do you mean in Halo 3?
  6. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Gamertag: LRMAN0989
    Experience: I've made a lot of switches lately just for my own personal fun, most of them already done, some just made up. I still have a good amount that I'd need to learn if it's Halo 3, but Reach is a whole new game, so starting when it comes out would be great.
    Own: Halo 3 mythic disc, and I'm pre-ordering Reach
    Contact: Forgehub (I go on it every day), and Xbox Live (I'm on it from 7pm EST to 12 pm EST, but 7pm EST isn't always the same. Sometimes later)
    Questions: As Sniper asked, will we be required to have meetings on a schedule, or will we have a rather relaxed schedule for the group? Also, are mics required? (Please say no)
    Suggestions: N/A
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Setup maps with examples for each switch type, get a group in of people and show them. Makes it easier if there is a team of people finding switches in reach rather than a few people. To do that they need to know the basics.
  8. Ching Chong Kid

    Ching Chong Kid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    As some of you have asked this group will be lax (not a clan or anything). I'm considering having a forum of some sort where we can discuss things so no, mics wouldn't be required, although it does make it easier.

    As for the pre-release teaching deal; I'll make up some maps with the different kinds of techs and a few complete switches. Then we'll get a group together to check it out and ask questions and stuff. Although if you are new to switches I suggest we have a private game together because I've learned from experience its hard to teach switches in large groups.
  9. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    I've made forums before! Although, if I do it, it'll be a free site (It'll be a subdomain :/)
  10. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Ok ching.
    Well you might want to private game me (nubby :( )
    Yea a forum would be nice...please dont do a "group" on FH
    those never worked out for me
  11. Valor1204

    Valor1204 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Gamertag: Valor1204
    Experience: Learn To
    Own: I own Halo 3 and preordered Halo Reach Legendary Edition
    Contact: Forgehub,, Skype: Valor1204
    Questions: None, I might have some during the teaching.

    Suggestions: None.
  12. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Gamertag: frog on stilts
    Experience: No experience, I've only made observations
    Own: I own Halo 2 and have preordered Halo Reach Standard Edition
    Contact: Forgehub,
    Questions: None


    As someone who likes to design competitive and casual maps, I'd like to explore the practical ways we could use switches which are maybe not too eccentric or puzzling (the puzzling ones are best for the puzzle maps. Har de har-har.) So the switches I've seen you do before that perhaps apply to me more are things like bridges or gateway entrances (temporary or otherwise).

    So basically I'm looking for switches that:
    • Have a role in a slayer or objective-based game.
    • Aren't too secretive to be noticed.
    • And are potentially aesthetically pleasing enough, or at least tidy. (If not, I shouldn't let it get in the way of creating a great map).

    If this isn't the sort of thing you're looking for in a group member, I completely understand.
  13. magicmike5462

    magicmike5462 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Gamertag: ICI SH4D0WZ IDI
    Experience: I have DL a few switches and taken them apart to see how they work but other than that I want to learn.
    Own: I have Halo 3 and will be getting Reach ASAP
    Contact: FH and Xbox
  14. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Gamertag: IxFlashPointxI
    Experience: Moderate Experience

    Own: I will own both Halo 3 and Reach
    Contact: Xbox,forgehub,xforgery,thecustomexperience,youtube
    Questions: None
    Suggestions: We/you will need to teach members how to make switches and such.
  15. fluffyroks

    fluffyroks Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Gamertag: fluffyroks2
    Experience: I know how to make switches and i've used them before.
    Own: Halo 3,Halo Reach when released.
    Contact: Forge hub, Yahoo, Gmail, X box live.
    Questions: N/A
    Suggestions: I remember from one of the Q/A's on they said you can make fusion coils and other stuff immovable instead of holding fusion coils in a spot to make elevators you could just have them float, because they'll still blow up but will stay in the same spot. Could also make a good bridge/draw-bridge. May be helpful in making new switches come Halo Reach.
  16. Alligator88

    Alligator88 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Gamertag: Alligator88
    Experience: Deployable Bridge;Vehicle Deployment;has the capacity to create new and innovative switches;can teach others how to make basic and complex switches
    Own: Have every edition of Halo 3 and pre-ordered the Limited Edition of Reach
    Contact: ForgeHub and x-box live
    Questions: Where is this group going to be located?(Will it have it's own website,be on an existing website such as,etc.)
    Suggestions: Make sure there is a forum,as it will make communicating so much easier.
    #16 Alligator88, Aug 18, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2010
  17. Ching Chong Kid

    Ching Chong Kid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay guys, everyone who has expressed interested has been written on a list and I will be contacting you all as soon as I get a little further on developing the plans for this group.

    I would prefer to have a separate forum website if possible but I'm not really the web development type, so if any of you could help with this let me know.
  18. Valor1204

    Valor1204 Forerunner

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    0 can set you up a forum for free.
  19. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Am I in on this CCK? You have all my contact info. ;)

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