Mythic DLC Acid Reflex

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Confused Flamingo, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This may be my first post, but I want the REAL critisism. Good and Bad.

    After 643,665,725 types of infection on foundry and sandbox maps, I assume you're tired of deserts and warehouses. I'm here with the enticing offer of a new scenario. I present....ACID REFLEX!!!
    Every game type known to forge started as an idea centered around a particular aspect of halo 3. Teamwork, strategy, and aesthetics are perfect examples. This was centered around the fact that in an energy sword duel, you can parry a lunge with the (B) button. In this game, the zombies will rush you and you must time it perfectly to survive. The brilliance of GLOOMY, and JUICY on the acid surrounding Assembly combined with zombies having poor camo makes things interesting. With no radar, and no way out, you must find shelter in the barricades built by last season's pit dogs.
    Did I say season? I sure hope so, because to an insect/snake-like race of aliens, you're only game. The ones that start the hunt are Iphons, greenish insectoids that carry the disease, Sippiosis. These have sensibility to their surroundings, and can detect you anywhere on the Opium, the acid-surrounded hunting grounds. The smaller ones, or Sippions, are bourne from the infected corpses of the victims, resemble black snakes, and have no sensibility. These infected spawns tend to follow the Iphons, whose inner sense of direction guides to prey. Both species’ flesh generate a mist-like haze that gives a slight illusion of invisibility, and they are both equipped with a razor claw. As the hunt begins, the Iphons spawn in the Opius, the bulb in the centre of the Opium, and the humans will spawn in one of the three complexes with swords, and must move their way to somewhere safer. Besides the ruins built by others, you can always crack open the safehouse, which contains the bounty of the man who lived the longest. Shotguns, frags, and an ATV, are all here, but the shotguns never respawn, so don’t be a weapon hog! To get in, you must drive an ATV safely through a field of death teleporters. To get the ATV; you must reach the middle complex and enter the teleporter at the top, which brings you to the ride. Land it safely inside the shield doors, and you’re in. It doesn’t matter where you camp, all known spots have advantages and disadvantages, and the safehouse and starting complex have receiver nodes the infected will come through. That’s about it, so here are some tips and pics.


    Don’t enter the upper teleporter in the Opius until the safehouse has been breeched. The zombies have no non-lethal way out.


    After 180 seconds, full camos will spawn in the Opius; only take ONE if you really think you need it, for they take ANOTHER 180 seconds to respawn.

    You don’t HAVE to use the safehouse. The long and arduous journey sometimes isn’t worth it.

    The ATV in the safehouse is for exiting safely, not joyriding, 'Wild Hog'

    Now for some pics!!!
    Above is a nice view of the Acid
    Nodes are one of the many camping spots in the level.
    this cover is known as the great barrier reef!!!
    This camping ground is the gravliftland!!! ROFL-WAFFLE!!!
    This is the ATV spawn, with the teleporter to it in the backround.
    Sometimes the safe house just isn't that safe....
    The death teleporters!!!
    Two players duking it out in the ATV boundries.

    Map download : Halo 3 File Details

    Game download : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 Confused Flamingo, Aug 22, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2010
  2. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Simple solution to this problemo. You must have accidentally copied the link in your fileshare (don't ask me how, I don't live with you) So go back and for the map dl link put the name of your map, Heres an example....oh wait you fixed this already...damn. Well The map looks decent from what I could see (which wasn't much, take pics without FX plex) and the gameplay seems solid for assembly (aka my fave swords map) I will dl and give it a try. One more thing please put the name of your map or a name relating to the map as the title, sorry but unless the map name is "Greatest assembly map" I would change it before a mod does and you receive a warning for it. Oh I almost forgot.

    WELCOME TO FORGEHUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. killllllll11488

    killllllll11488 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks fun, can't download now(no batteries and controllers dead). I have no clue where you would make the link go to, I made my maps link go to my fileshare. Also hlike ^^he^^ said, change the name.
    #3 killllllll11488, Aug 22, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2010
  4. Winter Contengency

    Winter Contengency Forerunner

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    you go click on the map or game type and it will send you to a place on bungie like this: : Halo 3 File Details

    thats the right way to do it

    Advertising a map in another thread is prohibited.
    #4 Winter Contengency, Aug 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2010
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Fix'd the thread title. Remember to keep it the same as your map name for ease of use.
  6. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the support! I need non local testers, so tell me what you think!!!

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