I was not sure if this earned the "Map Preview" prefix, but I did it anyway. This is more of an idea preview open to suggestions. A while ago, I made a map called Halo Wars. Basically, it combined the strategic element of Halo Wars with the FPS action of Halo 3. The commander would spawn players, weapons, and vehicles with a limited budget. You probably won't understand this post unless you read about the original Halo Wars first! I have decided to make Halo Wars 2 in Halo: Reach, but with some serious changes: First, I am removing the whole process of spawning players--sure it fit the theme of Halo Wars, but it made the map/gametype just not fun. I am just going to have players spawn normally on the map (maybe with a longer than normal spawn timer). The commander is going to get some weapons to fight with. Sure it was fun to spawn players, weapons, and vehicles. But, after that, watching the action happen got boring. I am thinking of occasionally giving the commander a Laser or some other weapon to let him immediately make an impact in-battle. Any suggestions for what weapon I should give the commander? I want to change the gametype/objective up. Before, there were five territories (three in the middle sections of the map, and one at each base)--the first team to capture them all won. I am thinking of possibly changing it to just two territories (one at each base), to make it more like Halo Wars, but then what would the rest of the map be used for? Is there some way I could make new bases available for capture (Should I do more than two territories again?)? How else should the rest of the map be used? Should I make some weapons, vehicles, or armor abilities available for collection throughout the map? Is there some way the players on the map could give the commander money (ammo) via collection? I am going to make the map actually a map this time, not just a bunch of empty space. The complex spawning system used so much budget, I had very little left for the rest of the map. This time, there will be a map full of buildings and cover (I hope). This is all I have thought of so far. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! EDIT: I drew a picture to explain my planned spawning ideas. I am hoping for 18 channels, but with this picture I only use 7 for one base (x2=14). Click on it to view a bigger version if you need to: So basically, the commander would spawn in the "Buying Room". The "Buying Room" and "Spawn Room" would have windows that allow players to shoot but not escape through. The commander can shoot pallets or something that drop vehicles into teleporters, delivering them to that team's base. Also, the commander can unblock teleporters in room A and B, allowing players to pick different classes. If the commander goes through his teleporter, he goes to a sort of observation deck where he can shoot enemies and unblock spawning teleporters for his team. The players would spawn in the "Spawn Room". They would have to go through teleporter 1 then 5 to get to the battlefield if the commander has not unblocked anything. But, for example, if the commander unblocked receiver 2 and receiver 6, the player would have some choices. He could choose to be the default class by going through teleporter 1, or he could become a different class by going through teleporter 2 and picking up the weapons/equiptment (Ex: a jetpack and a grenade launcher). Then, after going through the one way shield door, he could choose to spawn at his base (receiver 5) or at the left spawn (receiver 6). The receiver nodes would float a bit to prevent blocking. I have two problem right now. First, there could be as little as 10 channels, so I would have to redesign. Second, I have not thought of a way that the commander could unblock the teleporters on the map itself (because a hawk way up high could do the same job as a commander way up high). I either have to always keep those teleporters unblocked, or maybe have a respawning blocking system that either the commander or players can unblock. So, what do you guys think?
Here is what I think should be done. Give the commander either a rocket launcher, rocket pod, or laser a quarter into the game. Halfway into the game you could possibly give the commander a plasma launcher. They would symbalizing the commander powers. I think there should be multiple territories, the two main bases would each have a territory, and then have "support outposts", that provide extra power to the team holding it, such as air vehicles, armor abilities, heavier ground vehicles, or a good holdout zone. Each "support base" should get a territory. I do not have any ideas as far as giving the commander money other than providing ammo for their weapon through respawning the same weapon. Those are my suggestions for you.
For a monetary system for giving troops weapons and vehicles you could do one of two things. 1. Give the leader a jet pack with a slow recharge, make all of your switch activations up high and they need to use the jet pack's power to get to them 2. try to use the reinforcement points from invasion slayer to distribute things at specific points on the map
Thanks guys! Drizzt, I did not even think of the Plasma Launcher, thank you for reminding me of that! Does it have a range limit? Teacho27, the jetpack is a great idea! For the Invasion Slayer idea, how would I make a playable gametype using those weapon/vehicle spawns in Invasion Slayer (like, how would I incorporate an objective like capturing territories?)
This...... Is an amazing idea. I remember playing your halo wars map, and it was fun at first but it didnt last long cause you couldn't really capture the whole aspect of it. But now with Reach, all new possibilities come up. I can't wait to see what you come up with I might have to try one myself.
Maybe you could let someone choose to be the commander with a one way teleporter. If no one volunteers, then you're at a huge disadvantage. OR It could be a two way teleporter, that way the commander could go through, use up the sniper ammo, then return to the battlefield.
Hmm, that may work! Either way, I think a two way would be the best (just in case two people go through the one way teleporter). The thing about the commander going to the battlefield is that sniper ammo keeps spawning in order for the commander to buy stuff, so leaving wouldn't be such a good idea. But, a two way teleporter would be a good idea if the team wanted to switch up commanders.
Ya. Few questions guys, I don't know if you know the answers though: -Can vehicles go through teleporters without being manned? -What is the deal with one way shield doors? Can bullets travel through them one way? How about vehicles? -In territories, do you have to spawn at a territory, or can you choose to just spawn like normal? (EDIT: Maybe it wasn't territories. Is there any gametype where you can choose where you spawn? I thought I remember one.) -Is there a total object limit like in Halo 3, or just a budget? -EDIT: One more question: how many teleporter channels are there? Thanks!
Wow You and me have the same idea. You actually gave me this idea. however how I would make it would be much different. Question 1: Not as far as I can tell. You need to man a vehicle and drive it through. Question 2:No, only walked through and possibly driven through Question 3: yes, put a neutral respawn area with maybe some respawn points, and whoever captures the territory spawns there. Question 4: yes and yes. Question 5: Idk and Idk if anyone else Ks. Oh and if you want to make it really like Halo wars without it being human vs covenant (its easy cuz human and covie are basically the same in that game) Then you can make infantry or vehicle operating specific loadouts and have the commander supply the vehicles and extra weapons. Have them spawn in the base and go through a couple one way shield doors to get on the field.
Thanks Zow. For question 3, can you choose where to spawn? Or would you just spawn near one of the captured territories randomly?
You can spawn near captured territories if none are captured already or randomly or you usually spawn in captured territories. There's no real way unless you use a teleporter method to choose where to go.
Ok, thanks. I drew a picture to explain my planned spawning ideas. I am hoping for 18 channels, but with this picture I only use 7 for one base (x2=14). Click on it to view a bigger version if you need to: So basically, the commander would spawn in the "Buying Room". The "Buying Room" and "Spawn Room" would have windows that allow players to shoot but not escape through. The commander can shoot pallets or something that drop vehicles into teleporters, delivering them to that team's base. Also, the commander can unblock teleporters in room A and B, allowing players to pick different classes. If the commander goes through his teleporter, he goes to a sort of observation deck where he can shoot enemies and unblock spawning teleporters for his team. The players would spawn in the "Spawn Room". They would have to go through teleporter 1 then 5 to get to the battlefield if the commander has not unblocked anything. But, for example, if the commander unblocked receiver 2 and receiver 6, the player would have some choices. He could choose to be the default class by going through teleporter 1, or he could become a different class by going through teleporter 2 and picking up the weapons/equiptment (Ex: a jetpack and a grenade launcher). Then, after going through the one way shield door, he could choose to spawn at his base (receiver 5) or at the left spawn (receiver 6). The receiver nodes would float a bit to prevent blocking. I have two problem right now. First, there could be as little as 10 channels, so I would have to redesign. Second, I have not thought of a way that the commander could unblock the teleporters on the map itself (because a Falcon way up high could do the same job as a commander way up high). I either have to always keep those teleporters unblocked, or maybe have a respawning blocking system that either the commander or players can unblock. So, what do you guys think?