Hola and welcome to beautiful Grat's Mansiona. Enjoy your stay with a large bedroom, kitchen, pool, diving board, garage, transportation and more! But anyway, I made this map over a period of about 3 days. Yes, I know it's not the best map you've ever seen and please TRY and keep the flaming and bad comments to yourself, if you don't like my map, then hit back on your web browser. Here are some pictures and descriptions of areas of the house. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Overview: Side view: Front Door: Master Bedroom: Main Hallway: Pool overview: Pool arial: (Includes DiViNg BoArD) Bar: Roof overview: Garage: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Download the map here: Download And I started working on a V2 this morning, so stay tuned for that! Please comment! Hope you enjoy! Remember to keep negative comments!
Wow...This is, overall, one of the most beutiful "House" maps I've ever seen. When I first saw the overview, I gasped. Unfortunately, when I started looking at some of the other pictures, however, the illusion of grandeur was broken. It seems to me that you're the type of Forger who has an incredible vision (As well as the talant to put that vision into effect) and knows how to wow a crowd, but you just didn't seem to put much effort into the inside rooms of the house/mansion. Honestly, I think this may be the result of simply not planning ahead. You knew just what to do for the outside, but everything inside seems like it was rushed just so that you could get something, anything, on the interior. ... Take my advice: 1) Plan ahead. Know exactly what you're going to do after you implement your amazing vision. 2) Take your time. I simply cannot believe that the interior of your house took as much time to create as the outside. Since they're both equal parts of a building, they should each get the same treatment. I'd advise you think of the inside as the very first thing people will see when they spawn. With that mindset, design somehing that will imediately wow them. Cheers, HarisSales.
I was about to say the same thing until I realized someone else said it. For instance, look at the Master Bedroom picture. You can tell that the floor wasn't merged and it doesn't look smooth, so just redo the interior and make a V2. But trust me, if you just make this interior perfect, many people who just downloaded the first version won't download the second, so I recommend completely changing the interior so people will DL. Still, keep the outside. It's awsome .
One problem, my creativity = shitters We'll, I've decided to completely ghost merge as much as I can. I've taken your advice and burned everything on the inside and start over again. Hopefully it looks a lot nicer in the end result I've just finished the bottom floor and (in my opinion) looks a lot nicer. It has a kitchen, bar, door to the pool, door to the garage. The second floor I'm going to have the Master Bedroom V2, bathroom pretty much near the pool, stairs to the roof, and one more bedroom. The roof is pretty much going to be the same, except I'm going to probably ghost merge the blocks, like the second floor. I've ghost merged every floor peice for the second floor... and I hope it's not too bumpy for everyone I've taken more time on this, that's for sure Hopefully I don't run out of money! And to tell you the truth, I never really was going to put it on ForgeHub, but my friend insisted, and I'm pretty happy I did!
Lol spam When is saw the front of the house, I knew this house is new and totally epic. Some floors were smooth and some places were rushed, places such as pool (no blue light :0), bar, and master bedroom. This place is one of the greatest house maps ive seen. They just keep on getting better. Any news on V2?
I like your garage Yeah Id have to agree the inside did look a little rushed but its still good! The outside looks great too. Oh all the great ideas stacking up in my head for Reach.... Overall, good map man. 4/5.