Set for MLG styled combat, light vehicle, close to medium range combat, straight slayer or 6-12 player objective based combat. Easy FFA game play as well. It even has the components for making an interesting monster truck map, a truly versatile map. Spoiler The dish is simply that. A huge radio telescope dish floating over the vast ocean. Overview: Two bases, the round about on the dish, the middle antenna asembly, a lower superstructure. The bases: A man cannon or just having people risk using a jumppack for the ghosts on the upper deck of each base. The antenna: Two levels, The upper level is perfect for pot shotting, but a angry ghost can end the fun, the main level is a safe reprive for a moment or two before the action catches up. The underview: The giant mechanisms keeping the structure up make the perfect escape when ghosts and enemies prowl about. Weapons will be decided if and when I make the map in Reach as some weapons will be play tested for their worth and versions of The Dish may appear. (I see The Dish Heavy with Banshee's flying along with some heavy weapons.) UPDATE Spoiler VERSION 2: With version2 I added two new side bases for the ghosts/mongeese(?). Added a lower set of walkways to them from the central mass and cleaned up alot of the excess rubbish, with Mickraider's newer sketchup peices I also got a chance to fix some of the paths up and down the bases. I increased the size of the Antenna blocking some LOS from the bases. With the ramps from the various structures, and the addition of Antenna when Reach comes out (or MickRaider adds them to his sketchup selection) I may begin adding them to the dish itself, this will add some cover as also giving the ghosts a harder time to navigate. However I like the open side as it makes a nub with bootshing ghosts kill themselves easily. A nice bonus. Above: Below: Ghost Base: New Main Base: Central Dish/Antenna Assembly: Improved lower structures: Update 2: VERSON 3: Spoiler The Ultimate version, the final version of The Dish. It takes everyone's suggestions, me spending a few hours pouring over the object limits and prices and such You gain many more levels of play, a huge battlefield, open spaces, close quarters, narrow walkways and wide passages, this map (SHOULD) have it all for any type of Halo player. The Overview: Four bases instead of two, the side bases hold the ghosts now, all bases have two ways in. Blue Base from side base. Red Base is just like it. Only RED. The lower decks, Three levels of mayhem. Fun from any side, see if you can live jumping from the top of the antenna to the bottom level. See the added Banshee pad? The Dish Heavy only (so far, maybe with play testing we shall see.) Many other things I could try and add, but for $6,850 (thanks Skittles for catching that. geez, it's late and I'm STILL at work, so my perception is OFF), I like it, it leaves me $ to add in different things for various versions of this. VERSION 4-5.1: Remade upper level Spoiler This version of The Dish features a smaller upper deck for the antenna, adding in an exposed Shade turret (BegForCake and I bounced the idea off one another for a bit, so Kudos to him on this version) and numerous Antenna of various styles (we get two types) to add cover on and around the dish. In this a upright Ghost plays the Shade and a oversized model of a H3 BR takes the place of the antennas as it's just a little shorter than the antennas in general. The Full model as of V5.1: The lower part of The Dish remains the same, other than a few more aesthetic changes by adding antennas hanging from the bottom of the dish. An Aesthetic way of adding more cover in the LOS of various areas. A close up of the most changed area: Level with the Sniper bases the Shade provides cover fire on the upper level on almost every location up on Dish Level though it's range of fire onto the bases is limited to the Dish area. A counter to the Ghosts if you will, but not overpowered due to the open area it rests. Sorta a "shoot the ghost, 'whatch out for the rockets', what rockets?, splat!" The Upper Antenna deck: A symetical map to the end the only other single item is the rockets at the bottom of The Dish, about hundred or so feet below this Shade turret. The Shade looms over everything else and will rain down fire upon anything, Sound overpowered? Perhaps, But not to worry as the numerous Antennas deal with it's impressive line of sight and the shade turrets lack of speed in turning it's gun should limit the effectiveness, if it doesn't a few Concussion Rifle blasts, Pro pipe, or a well placed rocket will do it in, along with any pesky ghost. UPDATE: VERSION 6 Spoiler With Mr_Migashi's suggestions I tried changing to top back to a more Aesthetic peice but still playable. What it gained was: Revised Overview: The altered bit: The 'Base' Dish: The 'Deflector' Dish: (containing the 'generators' which will have flashing yellow lights in them) And the 'Ark' Dish: (The Brs once again take the place of Antennas) All in all a complete upper overhaul but i like the more aesthetic top. It also ads more cover to the middle. The dish, once again is clear but since I had so little response to Version 5 I said no one must have liked it. What do you think? still worth it? The 'Finnished' Dish: The Dish: 'The Dish is best served cold' Overview: The Dish: You could say this is Version 8, or rather the Gold Product after the six alpha and one beta versions: I am very happy how it came out. A few negatives I have heard have been an openness, and yes it is rather open in places, I feel it adds to the feel of the map. To each their own. The Lower decks core section, A few things of interest, and the fastest way to the other base. And you also see the lower most deck, neutral objectives spawn here, the rocket launcher also does, but it's a dangerous path for that powerful weapon. Also when your down there you can hear the engines that keep the dish floating where she is. The Side bases house some health, a few needly goodies and some fun toys. One side the Ghost, try and smoosh some guys, but be wary of the Bases Shades and the fact that it's a LONG way down. And overview of the lower decks, see the platforms below the side bases? You should scope it out, some objective goodies spawn there as well as snipers Ah the bases, three levels all together, two of objectives, and the third as you can see, holds a Shade turret, to keep pesky tresspassers and them loud ghost drivers away. The Core: Middle of the map, some health, a few weapons but mostly the second fastest way to the bases. also... very Oooo and pretty with all the glowing and pulsing colors. You'll never get here, but doesn't she look pretty from afar? you can almost see the great engines that keep her aloft as well. The upper deck, the main dish area. Home to ghosts, shades, foolish travelers and a few choice weapons. DMRs, Pistols, Needler Rifles, A high up anti vehicle Grenade launcher, and a very easy to reach laser to take them all down. laser spawns opposite the ghost as you see. Nothern direction. And there you have it, a Map post will follow tonight. Thanks everyone once again for your help. Oh yeah before i forget: Remember those falcons you saw in the loadout? Can't touch those. Hammer time. Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Put a mongoose and its would be epic. Srsly though, that is really nice design. Hope you can make it in forge when reach comes out.
cover? if the DMR is anything like the br, and the ghost is anything like the ghost, then i think this is wayyy to open.
It looks like you used a pretty low number of pieces to build this... I think it would be a good idea to build some sort of tower or support system coming out of the ocean to make it look more like a radar dish. Also, you can build this support to be used as a playspace, thus eliminating or lessening (is that a word?) the downside of having so much open space.
Yeah I agree with just about everyone. While a race around the dish might be fun, a run around the dish will almost always get you killed.
There should be walkways going under the dish. It looks cool, but its too open. The bases are pretty small to.
Thanks, It was the idea though to have a lot of space, To make you feel uncomfortable out in the open and to force you to find other ways or brave the fire for the better guns. Haha, I'll see about a mongoose, and thanks, I should be able to make V1 no problem, V2 may have pushed some object limits, I will see, thank again. With V2 I took away some LOS and added a bit more but in general the Dish itself will be open, it's not meant for someone to be comfortable on, so yeah, I tweaked it a little, if you think it needs more let me know, I'll see about adding a few other routes or something. Done and done, added two more walkways, two more bases and dropped some blocks for a support into the water. Depending on $ I may make it larger and thus the Dish taller in the sky. I added a bit more, I don't really want to take away the openness of the outer dish area, but i agree some more cover was needed, As for the DMR dominating, I'll need to play test it, I plan on using most if not all of the antennas that bungie provides to add cover in places that need it and for more aesthetics. With any luck the outside part of the dish should be Ghost on Ghost or nub trying to splatter a guy and ramping off the side of the map instead, the lower level and the middle are the more PvP part. If it needs more let me know, I'll see about tweaking the map more. Done and Done, More walkways, more bases, and larger main bases if only by a few meters around. I made it less open, but at the same time left the part that makes it open just the same. I like my dish, I wish not to hide it under a pile of metal peices sticking up from it for nothing other than cover. Still if the changes aren't ebough let me know, the more I tweak this map, the more interesting ti will be when I do make it. Once again, and questions and comments are greatly appreciated.
I like it a lot, but it needs more. Whether that be an entire other large area underneath the dish or more cover, it needs more. I reckon you should just make another area under the dish. There'll be stairs leading up to the dish, and... you get my point?
i have one problem. not with the map. with the cost. and this is something tht's been bothering me for a while now. i first noticed this problem when i saw the Cage. that level was built entirely in Forge world. but the guy only had 3500ish budget left (out of 10000). and that is a pretty small/ medium sized map. my problem is that they have up-ed the prices of things so much that we won't be able to archive some of our dream maps. bungie have given us the ability to build anywhere on this map. but what they haven't done, is given us enough budget to build all over this map, without it being too thinly spread. why do we even have a budget in the first place? it just restricts us. for example: we get 100 of each object. but in reality. if we were to try and place 100 of each and every object we would run out of budget before we reach the bottom of the list. why?! we either need a bigger budget or no budget at all.
UPDATED Version 3 now available in the Original post. Adding up a few levels in the antenna and adding the many levels below hopefully I have acomplished the more cover and added more playing area. In a way I understand it But I went through and checked the object list, This is well within the limits, it's kinda of pricey but woth it.
did you mean 6,832$ ??? beacause there is only 10,000$ worth of budget( i think it might be a typo tho) THIS idea reminds me of a level on the old N64 james bond missions! I LOVE IT!
oops, caught and corrected, yes that is the amount, yet with so much stuff it feels like it SHOULD be 68,000 so my tired brain typed that. Wall bits and ramps are CHEAP. On another note, darn you caught my influence, it WAS based (At fisrt) on the Sattelite dish from both the movie and the game (though I only played the game for a few minutes in highschool.) I always throught it could be cool to race around on that thing, and with this map, I CAN! Mongoose races using the dish along with all of the other things this map can do! EDIT EDIT: Me dumb the price of The Dish is 6,850. I didn't add the 3 and 2 correctly. Anyway anything further suggestion and comment wise I greatly appreciated, once again, though with how it's built weapon suggestions and item placement mostly. Thank you again.
I need a change of pants. This map is too beautiful. I don't think i can suggest anything weaponwise though, thats more of something you'd do after you do finish building the map geometry in-game. When you do actually build this in game, i'll download it for sure.
Wow, this looks stunning. Great layout and verticality. But one issue I see with this is that the bottom middle of the map is so isolated from everything else. It will take a short time to get down there but ages to get up with DMR fire from above if players know what they're doing. My only solution really is to put something so valueable that people will take the long risk to get it. Or possibly extend the intricate pathways at the bottom to help flow action downward. Other than that this is looking great, can't wait to see it's release.
It looks like a multi leveled ascention, which makes me want you to put a banshee on it instead of some of those ghosts... you could always rmove the ghosts on the side bases and put banshee on one sidebase and a spartan laser or something else on the other.
Thanks I'm rather proud of it myself, from a half cocked idea to a rather interestnig map If the rest of my ideas follow this I'll be having more fun designing than playing my maps. Well, Tucci, if your up to it when I finnish up this map, you interested in being a play tester to see about weapon layouts? Thanks, it's amazing what V3 has come from V1. Yes it is isolated, and for that reason on a non symetrical gametype it will have a rocket launcher or other power weapon, on a symetrical gametype it will house the bomb, or other important item. You'd either have the power to keep DMR's at bay or have a reason to go down there. I feel most battles will be on the catwalks and suspension bridges of the lower levels with a few folks having a ball with the ghosts above. I am planning to have a Halo 3 styled version known as 'The Dish Heavy', where two banshee's will spawn under each base. The platforms are already there, Weapons to deal with such an influx of firepower will also be available.