mute ban is a rediculous, impulsive move by bungie.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by blackbastud, Aug 21, 2010.

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  1. PbPePPer72

    PbPePPer72 Ancient
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    I don't have a source but i remember reading that now you have to have a mic plugged in to use that setting.
  2. blackbastud

    blackbastud Forerunner

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    do i need to SPELL every word of my thread out for you?!

    "this is a VERY stupid thing that bungie has put into halo. it basically will restrict anyone from using teamwork, or communication, which will result in free-for-all, every man for himself games in playlists such as team slayer. "

    going into party chat will not solve this at all. it will result in EVERYONE being in their own parties, and thus matchmaking will either contain people in parties, or people without mics.

    heres ANOTHER piece of solid-as-daimond reasoning i already have in my thread.

    "oh and yeah, sure you can go to party chat with your buddies, but quite honestly, XBOX live was BETTER in my opinion, before that was implemented. "

    "and what if nobody on your friendslist wants to play with you? then you go into matchmaking on your own and you cant even have a conversation with a guy during a game without getting banned!"

    opinion followed by support. therefore valid.

    i am not ONLY speaking for JUST my clan, but for random people who want to talk to others will have little to no fun at all because EVERYONE will be in party chat.

    your reply is opinion with no depth of reasoning whatsoever. therefore, invalid.

    i will agree that you have a point, but that being said it only works for MY situation with my clan, and not casual players situation, which is alot more important.
  3. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    Matchmaking is 75% like this anyway, I doubt the mute ban will have that much of a difference.

    In any case, you seem to be more angry about party chat, and banning party chat is about the dumbest thing you could possibly do, a la MW2
  4. blackbastud

    blackbastud Forerunner

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    you provided one single reason and claimed that your belief has more justification than my mulitple examples of reasoning.

    and also, i dont know where the hell your from, but in massachusets, the older headbrace mic costs 30 bucks let alone a wireless one, which is 60.
  5. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    @Bastud, Being that you typed it you kinda did spell it out...

    If you join a game by yourself just invite your teammates to your party, and if they don't join they really aren't interested in teamwork in the first place.

    "Basically restrict anyone" No it does not restrict everyone. If you're that interested in teamwork you'll find a way to communicate shitty mic or not
    #25 cluckinho, Aug 21, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2010
  6. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    "Your arguement is invalid" is the dumbest reply you could have come up with. No my post is not "INVALID" because, yes I did read your post. If you can't afford to buy a new mic then you are obviously too young to be buying the game. If your so passionate about this then I'm sure you could muster up some money.

    BTW, your clan probably sucks anyway.

    FPS SKITTLES Forerunner

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    I Agree with this thread IT IS indeed ridiculous!
    In halo 3 the muting was perfectly FINE,if someone was being annoying or their mic was buzzing then you could just easily mute them no harm done...
    BUT with this new rumor about a ``mute ban`` if you get muted x amount of times you aren't able to speak?whose communist idea was that??
    VOICE COMMUNICATION BANS SHOULD BE HANDLED ONLY BY MICROSOFT(not by the video game developers!) -just stating my honest opinion,if anyone has any objections with what i wrote please confront me.
  8. blackbastud

    blackbastud Forerunner

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    good job on reading the invisible text that somehow stated i was against party chat.

    im not in any way, shape, or form. i do believe that it was necessary, and that it is the unfortunate beating stick in many threads like these, which is the reason i left it out of the thread.

    party chat causes alot of problems because it interferes with multiplayer communication in games, however, it is needed so multiple people can talk to each other who are playing different games.

    im not for any party chat ban, and you have jumped to the wrong conlusions my friend.
  9. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    Not-so invisible text
  10. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I'm sorry but if you think that a game muting someone for excessive noise is ridiculous then you are incredibly fickle.

    It is impposible to justify every mute ban, but the end justifies the means. I would prefer to play without feeling that I am at the south african world cup.
  11. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Really, it isn't a big deal. While it CAN be abused, there's two simple solutions to all of this.

    A) If your mic is buzzing, fix it or get a new damn mic. If anything, the mute ban should be a little more incentive to save the money up for a new mic so that you stop murdering people's ears.

    B) Simple solution to not getting muted; don't be an asshole. Don't scream into your mic, don't talk trash in big team games, and don't scream like an 8 year old.
  12. blackbastud

    blackbastud Forerunner

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    i was so ennraged because i thought that if you talked for an extended amount of time you got mute banned, but its just if multiple people mute you?

    i see, well thats a bit more reasonable...
    at least i know i can talk all i want now with my clan...

    but i am still against this mute ban, dont get me wrong.
  13. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    I honestly doubt Bungie would implement something like this without great thought. I'm sure that Bungie are doing this for the better.

    FPS SKITTLES Forerunner

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    yes I agree with you but,if someone is making``excessive noise`` the u can just open the leader boards and mute them manually like in halo 3. why should they get muted for a period of time for having a shitty mic or an annoying voice?!?!(because I KNOW that almost all the kids that haven't hit puberty will be muted INSTANTLY) even if they are annoying maybe they would like to talk to their friends or cooperate with other people.
    ALL in all tho i don't see why Bungie would create such a lowball ban.
  15. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    They wouldn't have a shitty mic if they learnt to look after there things. Players shouldn't have to listen to the noise while they're playing and have every right to mute the player. Eventually this will lead to the muting for every game that person plays, which saves everyone else the trouble of having to mute him themselves. I honestly don't see why everyone thinks it's a bad thing.
  16. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Here's the deal.

    Don't be super ****in' obnoxious, and you're set. Mic busted? Get off your ass and earn some money doing chores or something and purchase a new one.

  17. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    OP is raging. HARD.

    Anyways, the ban is a good idea. Reason, it removes people like you. From what I've seen currently, you've gotten angry over a feature that makes it harder for people to talk to the small majority of Xbox Live players who have bad mics or are annoying. I try to tolerate these people, but eventually it becomes to much and you mute.

    Now in your opening post, you stated that it makes clanning harder. Plain and simple, if you take it seriously, you'll have good mics and be willing to spend the extra money for a good mic. If you get banned then, it's your fault for being annoying.

    Rage on, OP.
  18. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    OP, you need to learn how to express your opinion in a civil manner. As it is, you come off as an ignorant fool trying desperately to gain followers in your idiotic quest, which is unfortunate because your dispute is a valid claim.

    LOCKED due to the prevalence of idiocy.

    Edit: I didn't read this past the first two lines, but he wanted to be an idiot and flame me so here is the PM Mister OP sent me.

    #38 SargeantSarcasm, Aug 21, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2010
  19. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Because I can.
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